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  1. 2paranoid

    OMing. Why?

    white women are whores
  2. 2paranoid

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    but sunni thats the best part!
  3. 2paranoid

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    Don I fucking love broccolini YES
  4. 2paranoid

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    ehh so the bowl says eggplant but thats no eggplant partner. Acorn squash stuffed with rice, cheese, onions, spinach and chicken. I should have made something else to go with it but I didn't, the dish looks really incomplete. oh well :bigjoint:
  5. 2paranoid

    How Are your STOOLS lately?

    4, 5 and 6
  6. 2paranoid

    What Are You Listening To?

  7. 2paranoid

    I feel the tides turnin

    thing is they just spin ya round and round
  8. 2paranoid

    Nick Foles worship thread

    Please feel better soon and continue to stay based as fuck Nick Foles It was fun having you on the Eagles and I hope someone picks up a contract for you Goodbye Nick
  9. 2paranoid

    Show us your guns

  10. 2paranoid

    Do you know what a F.U.P.A. is?

    fat upper pussy area da fuck is pubic lol
  11. 2paranoid

    can't leave house - best online headshop

    I can't leave the house either whats the best online barber shop?
  12. 2paranoid

    Getting Pretty Tired of the Men Bashing

    typical straight CIS white male scum
  13. 2paranoid

    i have a undercover cop harassing me what should i do

    kill the weakest member of his family (i.e. a pet, small child/infant)
  14. 2paranoid

    HALLOWEEN: Love it? Hate it? (poll)

    I like giving out candy to people. its so cute when the little kids come before it gets dark with their parents. I tell every one they had the coolest costume of the night and they're so stoked.
  15. 2paranoid

    Is anyone celebrating Diwali this Thursday??

    no but I will be watching that episode from the office haha
  16. 2paranoid

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    Ohh yes I love all vegetables. Forgot to mention there are mushrooms on the meat cuts, its not funky meat bongsmilie
  17. 2paranoid

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    venison steaks with a baked potato and broccoli
  18. 2paranoid

    What Are You Listening To?

  19. 2paranoid

    Pink Floyd - Animals ... genius?

    i like this album