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  1. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    A couple more pics... the Plants are 14 days since transplanting from their seedling pots. the auto pot system is now on and over night thye drank 1L of nute mix....nutes are 1/4 strength Ionic coco Grow, and Magnecal . once the tank is empty i will refil with 1/2 strength nutes and add some...
  2. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Here are some pics
  3. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Ok, i had an issue with my proxy server so i havent been able to post pics or update as much as id like. Its fixed now so heres an update. Plants are doing REALLY nicely. the leaves are huge in comparison to anything else i've ever grown. I have one huge plant and 2 equal plants and a runt. im...
  4. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Just want to point out that this thread has had over 7000 views. 7000!!! that's huge.
  5. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Week 6 of flower, Going to add 13/14PK to the fed until week 7 for a nice boost
  6. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Its a learning curve, Under the Budmaster II i have, the plants demand huge amounts of Magnecal but under the mars its potassium.........this thread will hopefully find the optimum nute levels and i believe once its nailed down and dialed in we will be very successful growers :D
  7. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Lol I can't take all the credit. The barneys farm pineapple chunk have been really easy to grow. They are beautiful plants. I have just ordered more seeds because I didn't clone any. I will definitely be keeping a mother plant. Need to build a mother room first though but that's for a new thread
  8. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Ha ha that really made me laugh @WazzaX they are doing a great job in my opinion. There may be some fine tuning of nutes as I beleive the marshydro forces the plant to use more potassium than usual but that could be a medium issue or a nute issue. I've been very pleased so far
  9. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Finally sorted out my proxy are some pics
  10. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Best way to make stable fem seeds is to force on fingers crossed
  11. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Best way to make stable fem seeds is to force on yep too much cal can cause pot lockout. Too much salt in your medium can also cause pot lockout. Pot def looks like the leaf is burning because the plant cannot produce enough chlorophyll so it literally burns. @WazzaX is using 2ml/L I'm using...
  12. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Best way to make stable fem seeds is to force one good branch to produce pollen sacs and the allow it to pollenated the plant. This can be done using colloidal silver spray. The plant will not be suitable to smoke as the colloidal silver is toxic. The seeds will be fine because they are in the...
  13. oilmaker68

    Can anyone help

    Nice :)
  14. oilmaker68

    Can anyone help

    Yep. Some swear by it, I've never done it. Never had an issue so if it ain't broke I don't fix it
  15. oilmaker68

    Buds not getting bigger? 3 Weeks, no change

    Yep after the initial explosion of flower there is a lull in further growth. I'm at 5 weeks with mine and yes it's infuriating to wait for those little buds to fat up but they will.
  16. oilmaker68

    Can anyone help

    Three weeks in ? Wow, what stubborn bitches. I did read that people sometimes kick off flowering with an initial 36hr dark period to solve this type of issue developing later in the grow.
  17. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Looks like potassium defficiency to me. Starting outside and working its way in to the leaf. Are the veins me stem still a nice green colour under the leaf. ? If so defo pot def. try and take a pic under normal light when you have issues. It's better to be able to see the proper colours. :)...
  18. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Let them pollenated themselves and try growing the new seeds. It how feminized seeds were made in the old days. Worth a shot imo rather than cut em down. That way it's not a total waste. I will try an post some pics later but I'm having an issue with my proxy server and it won't let me post...
  19. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    Paranoid keeps you out of jail.
  20. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    The lighting is over complicated mate. KISS keep it simple stupid is the motto I use. One plant won't need 1000w of light. Cfls are tricky because you have to keep adjusting the distance and amount of bulbs you have. Big cfls are easy. As big as you can get (300w). Maybe two of them and kept...