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  1. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    You don't want to waste that plant. She is a beauty and the fact it grew on tomorite shows all this nute a and b blah blah is bollocks. If I were u I would invest in a light and let her flower to her full potential
  2. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    Lmao no what I meant was light sorry. Buy any type of horticulture light u can. It's better than a window. Cfl/hps anything.
  3. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    You won't get a yield. Needs the sun to fat up and swell those buds.
  4. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hijacking is welcomed and encouraged :)
  5. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Thanks for joining us DM90 and thank you for the kind compliments. :). You are absolutely welcome to add comment and pics from your grow and to comment and suggest ideas on mine. We are a little marshydro community here and the more of us to share our knowledge the better. It's a huge...
  6. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    @siouxiesioux i opt for an Indica dominant strain to avoid height issues but they are very close to the 2ft limit. It's a shame this has happened to your girls and ye genetics can be to blame too. I never flower before preflowers. That in itself would be a huge stress to an immature plant. If...
  7. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Link Links between hermies and led ???? Are you flowering ?
  8. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    So after watching some "expert" info on these autopots I realised I had not Put a layer of rock balls at the bottom of the pot. So I tried to repot One of the plants. This was a disaster. The 60/40 mix does not stay together so don't try this. I called my hydro guy and he said autopots official...
  9. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Well into week 5 now and they are starting to smell wonderful. I hate waiting but they will be worth it. Starting to see the buds swell now so can't wait. :)
  10. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    Uk all day. Every day. I remember when nobody bought home grown because it was shit, now it's all home grown. Original nutter on the cassette deck and driving my xr2i round the streets. Toking on northern lights and purple haze,Happy days.
  11. oilmaker68

    Help a newbie

    I got purple stems and my isn't pure haze so I would take that with a pinch of salt. Purple stems can be genetic or because your plant has got a bit cold and seeing as uk weather has been turning cooler of late and your plant was grown outdoor that would be most likely reason. Your plant look...
  12. oilmaker68

    Is this a male plant ?!?

    i have controls with red and green leds which are on 24/7 and they have never caused a hermie. i got pin holes and slightest gap on one side of my room which let light in but its constant levels that matter.
  13. oilmaker68

    Is this a male plant ?!?

    the same light levels at night EVEN if you have pin holes will not cause it to hermie as long as its been there since germination or clone. its when you exceed those levels that you run into leaving the door open or a huge light leak.
  14. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Wait ? new leaves ?? need pics C & MG def starts at the bottom ?
  15. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    post a pic.......lets have a look. make it a REALLY good pic Epsom salts in a spray bottle and spray the plants if it is. Add more calmag. you can put 2ml/L in
  16. oilmaker68

    2 1/2 weeks into switch...

    they look nice and guess on yield though as its almost impossible to tell
  17. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Absolutely K.I.S.S is the way to go lol They look great wazza, really full and develpoped. Great Job
  18. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Ahhh compliments of hmrc. Nice touch lol.
  19. oilmaker68

    Is this a male plant ?!?

    Full of seeds. Keep the seeds if you were the reason it hermied. If it was well looked after and did It on its own then bin the lot. Hermie seeds from a deliberately hermied female plants will have female genes that are dominant and won't hermie easily. Technically fem seeds If it just...
  20. oilmaker68

    isopropyl, 99.9% alcohol Read my thread bro. its pretty good if i do say so myself lol

    isopropyl, 99.9% alcohol Read my thread bro. its pretty good if i do say so myself lol