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  1. wtallen24

    My homemade aero 6" pipe unit.

    thats awesome... do you run the pump all the time or just every once in awhile,
  2. wtallen24

    A message for those who want to use a pre-paid gift card

    make sure your entering it as a credit card and not debit , cause mine said debit on it but the instructions said if i tried to use as a debit card it would be declined, just a thought
  3. wtallen24

    A message for those who want to use a pre-paid gift card

    order from attitude i used a prepaid that said the same and it worked no problem also got my seeds in 5 days to the midwest:leaf:
  4. wtallen24

    Vaporize BABY!!!

  5. wtallen24

    Vaporize BABY!!!

    got mine in the mail today and its awesome only paid 40 for mine shipping included, i dont see how the volcano or any other vape could be any differnt it seems like they all work off the same concept, but i also have no experiance with any other vaperizor. maybe others take less time to heat i...
  6. wtallen24

    easyryder wont grow

    ok nevermind i ended up breaking her in half messing with it, so i planted a new one hope this turns out better , got any tips for germinating in the ag
  7. wtallen24

    easyryder wont grow

    i have a question and i hope someone can help me out i planted a easyryder autoflower seed from attitude and it germated very well grew about a half inch on the 2nd day and hasnt grown since, its only day 5 but it just seems odd that it only grew that one day, it looks healthy still has the seed...
  8. wtallen24

    Vaporize BABY!!!

    i bought one monday i havent got it yet but will post a review here if u wantbongsmilie
  9. wtallen24

    how long does it take to receive seeds?

    just got my seeds fast shipping no busted seeds cant wait to grow some buds
  10. wtallen24

    how long does it take to receive seeds?

    i ordered mine on the 30th and it says its Status: Origin Post is Preparing Shipment We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece. everyone else has good luck so hopefully it will come