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  1. NoCeilings

    help what is the best kush

    dunno if you got any orange kush where you are.. but that shits the shit. i found 3 seeds an ounce of it, ill be growing with those seeds and some more. seeing as how this thread is in the indoor growing section, i assume youre looking to grow. when you find some good shit that smokes good...
  2. NoCeilings

    Very Confused on first grow

    ive heard bad things about amersterdam marijuana seeds bank
  3. NoCeilings

    for those looking for a good read. guerilla grow guide

    i love the feeling when i stumble over a long guide i havent read yet. thanks bro:leaf:
  4. NoCeilings

    I need a good name for my .45

    "sweetness". nice icon, a bit more entertaining than widow maker's..
  5. NoCeilings

    1st grow, bag seed, closet.

    haha nice short & wide plant man. awesome. keep them lights close
  6. NoCeilings

    what would be best?

    search around the site man. i had the exact same question and ive found dozens of threads on this topic. i still havent made my decision though, guess its just my paranoia
  7. NoCeilings

    Left overs

    or maybe you could learn how to make some hash.. mmmmm
  8. NoCeilings

    bringing weed on vaca

    I dont think there would be any x-rays. even if there were, they couldnt detect some herb down there. besides a few grams is a small amount, so you should be safe :leaf:
  9. NoCeilings

    Drying buds, Hanging vs Box ???

    basic things you want when youre drying are low humidity, ventilation/ air flow, cool temps, and darkness. I could control all of these factors without a box, in my closet. maybe making a box makes people feel like badasses? there could be benefits im not aware of though. if you dont have room...
  10. NoCeilings

    Grow is a Go! Except for the tower..

    well i tried something similar to what you said and actually got shot at in the middle of it. and my hooker died. thanks alot :finger:
  11. NoCeilings

    Raised beds and soil recipes?

    i like the raied bed idea. im going to try it. im going to take a 5-15 gal bucket or container and cut the bottom out. and camo paint it of course. ill put some halfway decent soil beneath the bucket and till it up, and im set
  12. NoCeilings

    Grow is a Go! Except for the tower..

    Alright guys thanks a ton. I snagged some 'noculars from walmart and checked it out over and over again. no cameras
  13. NoCeilings

    Northern Cal Purps

    where are the other pics dude?:???:
  14. NoCeilings

    planting in ground vs. pots

    Where flooding is a problem pots on a cinder block are the solution. Where there are control burns, plants in the ground are finished and pots solve that problem. They have mobility. If none of these are problems then the ground is the best bet. Most of the time, its easier to go from pot to...
  15. NoCeilings

    Outdoors 2010. My 3rd grow

    planting in rows (tenches) is a good way to get your plants notices from the air and on ground. people notice patterns. only do it if youre positive your safe from copters and snoopers. otherwise, dig some random holes with the same dimensions. im planning for my 2nd grow and will be digging...
  16. NoCeilings

    Grow is a Go! Except for the tower..

    So i found a bomb spot. Everything that a spot should have. Except how the top of some random tower is right there on the horizon. What worries me is.. would anybody bother having a camera on the tower? Like a traffic camera or something? (a highway is right under the tower, people arent a...
  17. NoCeilings

    growing weed in the ground..

    Raised beds huh? sounds like a good idea.. about how high should I build them up?
  18. NoCeilings

    growing weed in the ground..

    Im debating on ground/bucket as well. It floods like shit over here so I might have to use buckets. Yield will probably be less but I can avoid all that standing water that comes summertime. but yeah i only wish i could put them in the ground
  19. NoCeilings

    how much weed??

    1/2 ounce if you do a shit job. A couple ozs if you do a good job. Several ounces or more... Great success! Depends alot on the sunlight. Give them lots of sunlight