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  1. Maman123


    So no one has had good results from using sugar water during flower?
  2. Maman123


    I heard of people that use sugar water to water their plants during flower to increase weight, taste, and trichomes . What ratio of water to sugar do you use?
  3. Maman123

    Beef up buds ? Make buds sweeter?

    Fellow growers, do you use anything near the last few weeks of flower to beef up your buds or make it a sweeter smoke? I've heard of people saying they use this and that but I don't know if it's just a gimmick. Thanks
  4. Maman123

    is it a myth?

    Absolutely , I save seeds from my veggie garden every year too . Good to have
  5. Maman123

    is it a myth?

    Yeah cuttings sound way easier but I would love to have a nice bag of good seeds incase I stop growing one year and then start up again
  6. Maman123

    is it a myth?

    Going great thanks
  7. Maman123

    is it a myth?

    So that means i cant grow plants snd spray one with cs and expect to get seeds thru the same grow?
  8. Maman123

    is it a myth?

    Gotcha! Thanks!
  9. Maman123

    is it a myth?

    Is it a myth that "collidial silver" will make your seeds female? Is there anyone that understands the science of how this works(if it does work)
  10. Maman123

    Seedling light schedule?

    Sounds yummy
  11. Maman123

    Seedling light schedule?

    Whatcha got growing?
  12. Maman123

    week oneo

    Juicy fruit(sensi seeds), og kush',whitewidow xak47, blue sapphire kush
  13. Maman123

    compost tea?

  14. Maman123

    compost tea?

    I would like to pickup a bag of compost and make tea out of it. But maybe I should add certain ingredients to it before I make tea. I want to use it for blooming when I switch the lights. Suggestions from guys that do it? Thanks!
  15. Maman123

    coast of Maine

    Composted manure might kick major ass
  16. Maman123

    coast of Maine

    Maybe I cud buy a bag of composted manure and make tea outta that? Always worked wonders with my veggie garden.
  17. Maman123

    coast of Maine

    I'll probably mix the dry nutes into the soil. Another member said happy frog bloom nutes work great. Obviously there's a huge range of brands I cud use, but I don't want to over or under feed and have to diagnose and fix it later
  18. Maman123

    coast of Maine

    Didn't even think about making tea outta dry nutes. Thumbs up. But I wudnt know the correct recipe to do so.
  19. Maman123

    coast of Maine

    Do you use it? What nutes do u supply it with and how long after? I'm not sure when to start adding nutes. I'm assuming after 4 weeks but I never used it before
  20. Maman123

    What do you use for soil?

    Oh, I didn't see u trolling another thread