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  1. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Brockton , ma
  2. Maman123

    white widow x juicy fruit +rep for info

    Idk, I have some wwxjf seeds in the making though
  3. Maman123

    my first indoor poppy grow

    Shtf? Good stuff . Always willing to learn and share knowlegde
  4. Maman123

    my first indoor poppy grow

    Thats cool farmer, rhought about doing that too ! In fact im going to this year!
  5. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    I shud try making my own soil.
  6. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    I was gonna use hf nutes but the closest good store didnt have n e . I am using jacks classic for bloom
  7. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Jeez I cant remember, I saw good re iews and saw lobster compost in it and I got it
  8. Maman123

    facebook groups?

    Damn inda, are u always on here? Holy shit
  9. Maman123

    facebook groups?

    Any massachusetts growers hmu . Join a local fb group. Good way to meet local likeminded people
  10. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Nothing like the grow I had going when we used ffof with their nutes
  11. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    theyI are doing ok. Not as good as I expected size wise . I went with coastal maine soil n mixed it with 30 percent vermiculite. Im using jacks classic blossom booster
  12. Maman123

    hey outdoor growers

    Im thinking running a fan and carbon filter to kill smell and maybe a dehumidifier? Prob is if I have passive intakes on the greenhouse my dehumidifier wud keep running and never be able to keep the correct humidity
  13. Maman123

    hey outdoor growers

    Gurilla growing , I am going to do that or grow in a greenhouse in my backyard ( tho im worried about federal cops seeing how 1 neighbor is a raging bitch who wud call the cops in a heartbeat. BUT im in massachusetts so im legal. Except afor feds. ) anyways I will be harvesting 11 female indoor...
  14. Maman123

    hey outdoor growers

    Gurilla growing , I am going to do that or grow in a greenhouse in my backyard ( tho im worried about federal cops seeing how 1 neighbor is a raging bitch who wud call the cops in a heartbeat. BUT im in massachusetts so im legal. Except for feds. ) anyways I will be harvesting 11 female indoor...
  15. Maman123

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Hey guys. Brockton ma here.
  16. Maman123

    What did you accomplish today?

    Hey I saw u just said all my pics were lost
  17. Maman123

    Serenade question

    Tha Thanks bud, I appreciate the info. I do have a dehumidifier and she running now . I'm just being super cautious of mold since I had probs In the past.
  18. Maman123

    Serenade question

    Yea I know it smells like shit. That is why I am concerned about spraying buds . I don't want it to be nasty and unsafe
  19. Maman123

    Serenade question

    I'm using serenade as a foliar anto mold preventative . Been under 12/12 lighting for 13 days . No buds forming yet. Question is, when do I stop using serenade? Serenade smells like shit and is a natural bacteria so I don't think I can spray when buds develop. Or can I?
  20. Maman123

    Reusing harvested plants?

    Can I harvest the bud off my plant and then start to grow it again? I would be able to grow it larger than the year before, yes?