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  1. \x0D


    CRIPES!! Did they fizz when you put them in ?? Im still kinda freaked out on that stuff from getting white fingers when first using it- I got a healthy respect for it!
  2. \x0D


    Well, The girls lived through the night just fine on their new diet, and they seem a lot happier in their newly expanded area! I have to admit, I was a but nervous all at once doubling ( The old soup had about 800ppm of GH, the rest additives) the amt of actual nutrients they were getting, but I...
  3. \x0D


    Well, with a day off and some killer buds for motivation, I decided to do exactly what I was trying to avoid- taking the grow apart to lower the drain tray, thus giving myself some precious vertical clearance. I started by cutting the screen out with scissors, seperating each plant one by one...
  4. \x0D

    My Girlfriend

    I find this works well...:bigjoint:
  5. \x0D

    My Girlfriend

    Many years ago I fell on the job and broke my tailbone- was the worst pain i have ever felt in my entire life!! Could not sit without pain for almost 2 yrs. Docs started with Vicodin, but by the end I was getting 60 60Mg Oxyccontin and 60 Mg Valuim /month, and these STILL werent enough. Wound...
  6. \x0D

    what do you think? Have questions for U.

    A 250- plant SCROG will be a full-time job for you and a few of your friends!! Plus, you wouldnt be able to rotate the plants for exposure. if I had the space you are talking about I would prob go with this setup ...
  7. \x0D

    Newbie questions

    The problem here is that your mothers will flower too , if placed under 12/12. Maybe you can seperate the areas, flower under a small HPS, veg(or mothers ) under CFL?? -\xoD :joint:
  8. \x0D


    Ok Ok - no 3" cubes for me !! :mrgreen: I will make the nute adjustments (dropping the additives) next tank change ( about 4-5 days). I have been running 1400 PPM total- Does this mean i need to still maintain 1400 PPM , but of just the GH Flora 3-part and h2o2? You are very right about the...
  9. \x0D


    Yea, as i said in the OP , I didnt count on so much stretch when I stopped weaving them in the screen ( at about 2 wks into 12/12) Next in the mother room is some nice Indica I started from seed and am cloning now, I have high hopes for a lower altitude from these :hump: -\x0D :joint:
  10. \x0D


    Wow- coming from someone who gets the results you do, I am truly stoked to hear this!! Cutting the tops pains me to do at this stage of the game- Chalk it up to first indoor grow syndrome .. :mrgreen: Since I am coming up on week 4 of flowering now, I am considering this as an option prior to...
  11. \x0D

    Al B. FAQt

    Hey Al, Many thanks for taking your time to share your expertise- I posted this in indoor growing, but specifically would like your input as well. Mind taking a look? Thanks! -x0D :joint:
  12. \x0D


    I started this grow as a first time SCROG expeirment. Obviously i probably should have tied these girls down a while longer . They are about to take the roof off in the cabinet if I dont get this under control! My "screen" - and i cant recommend it - was a net made for the top of coolers- It had...
  13. \x0D

    Grow Cabinet

    Are you planning on using a cooltube?? I would really consider it in a small area like this. Moving light hangers are a nice touch as well- I use these: Grow Yoyo Light Hanging System | Grow Light Movers & Hangers= -x0D :joint:
  14. \x0D

    Qusestions regarding Al B Fucts "Get a harvest every 2 weeks"

    "The mums are maintained under 24 hour 400W HPS. The clonebox has 6x 18W fluoro tubes (24"), usually on 24/7 but shut off for the first 6-8 hours after doing a new batch of cuttings.( i believe this helps minimize wilt) (ROOTED) Clones go straight from the clonebox into the flowering trays- no...
  15. \x0D

    Qusestions regarding Al B Fucts "Get a harvest every 2 weeks"

    Another cool thing about Al using HPS on the mothers, is redundancy. Im sure he has spare 1K ballasts and bulbs, ( Right Al?) but if he HAD to, he could utilise the 400W as a backup for the flowering tray, until he was able to source new 1k HPS parts. ( I know, not enough light/sf , but...
  16. \x0D

    Cabinet Grow W/ Papaya Seeds

    You may want to consider a cool tube running "closed loop" (air from the outside room blowing thru the tube back into the room, or outdoors, isolated from the actual grow space in the cab.) see the pic.. I fought temps for a while in this thing until the cooltube- Lots of ventilation is...
  17. \x0D

    Hydrophonic sludge

    "I have a ten gal tub were the plants sit in a basketand the roots dip into the water / nuits" Is there an airstone of any kind in the tank? Sounds like a root rot kind of thing.- Try adding one. Also what is the res. temp? What kind of nutes? Also try H2o2 at 1-2 Ml/ Gal . This should...
  18. \x0D

    1st time clone question

    Try this thread: real informative- Al B Fuct knows his shit!!! \X0D :joint:
  19. \x0D

    Are these babies budding or flowering?

    Kill everything but #4, The rest are male \x0d :joint: