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  1. Primo2133

    Mid flower clones

    I had to. The only way to keep it alive. Only had one healthy female. The rooting takes up to 10 days longer and if you are not patient you will give up. The growth is good though. But the damage it does to a plant you want to flower is something you have to accept. You can slow a...
  2. Primo2133

    Experienced growers opinion

    Wish you would have told me this back on Thanksgiving. What a waste of dirt. Recommendations for poor ppl please? My Attitude is letting me down. Thanks for your time if you read this...
  3. Primo2133

    Diy led

    Think he meant parts for how to build your own from a home improvement store. Not parts you need to build your own space station. What would be the advantage to piecing together every component?
  4. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    Why would I have ever been banned? B/c I don't agree with you? Am not new .. but you just proved that. I haven't ever badgered another user or said anything that was inappropriate. There is a problem with ppl believing that the establishment is one entity. It's not 2
  5. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer both on record. Yeah .. these are not good examples but they felt confident enough to say it in public. Not during my lifetime have I've known a female that didn't have access. I don't believe it's nonsense. I think that's where we are as a civilization. There is...
  6. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    We are talking about 2 different things. Tough gun laws or tougher background checks? Not the same thing. Ppl are having to wait weeks to be approved to purchase a firearm so not sure how to weed out the nuts. At the same time do you want me to be able to say a lie about you and prohibit...
  7. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    You must have missed the pink hat parades. Those ppl think 3rd trimester is okay. I have heard celebs saying they were proud to have an abortion and some say they wished they had the chance. There are plenty of ppl that are pro abortion.
  8. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    Biden has said he's for much stricter gun laws so we'll see. Clinton did something back in the 90's that restricted ammo supply. Not sure the details but this is not the first time than ammo has been hard to get. It's been on democrats' minds for long time.
  9. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    Hillary is on record being against abortion. Her and Bill are also on record supporting immigration laws. So is Obama. Some ppl will still blame Reagan for the war on drugs .. I still do .. but they don't look into the strict prescribing guidelines passed under democrats regarding morphine...
  10. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    Yeah .. Hillary was pro life before being pro choice. But you're right .. Trump has changed several stances to run republican. I'm sure his immigration stance changed also. I don't believe he would ever ban guns .. most democrats wouldn't either. So that's propaganda in my eyes. It's not...
  11. Primo2133

    Meanwhile, on Parler

    That is a complete lie. The lack of accountability from both parties have left ppl like me without anyone to vote for. Up until BHO I was a true liberal. But the flat out lies and hatefulness from the left is not something I'm on board with.
  12. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    I do have a problem with my best seedling though .. roots are growing upwards back through the top. Have to decide whether to just bury it deeper when transplanting or actually take it out and straighten it up. I could bury it probably an inch deeper but am wondering if they will still keep...
  13. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    They all came back to life after 3 days with the dome off. 3/4 have shed the hull and even the one that hasn't broke thru I think might still yet. 12 days after planting. Let it get too humid in the dome is all I can think of why they seemed to stop growing. Or maybe they caught the funk...
  14. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    U suck. No I'm not a troll.
  15. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    Yes .. thanks .. that does help. I always felt the peat was too compact. I need to know the easiest medium. Am still thinking rockwool although I have sponges but just haven't tried them. No jokes please .. haha
  16. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    It got real cold on the 5th day of planting. The temp dropped to 64 and they might have been saturated in the Jiffy pellets. They actually are starting to straighten back up now so Idk what to think. Not sure if they are alive or not but they are growing super slow. They should be an inch...
  17. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    Straight into the medium is what I should say. Should I try rockwool this time?
  18. Primo2133

    Please help with seed choice

    Not sure I agree with that. Am sure fresh seeds are more vigorous than year old seeds. Well .. pretty sure.