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  1. Firas


    Copy and pasted what was in my address bar at the time I was look at that page. Then in when you post, look for the small world icon with a chain link on it. Select whatever words you want to link to that post, then click the world button and copy paste the address in. Done! :-P
  2. Firas


    Hey, I am having quite a bit of trouble with my plants lately. Check out my Grow Journal for pics from begging till now. As you will read in my thread, I have changed nothing. The PH did fluctuate a lot a couple of days back but after I followed the 8 step recovery guide the water has...
  3. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    I am a little to out of it to post much information right now, but I will post some pictures. As you will see, the plants have taken a turn for the worst. I have changed nothing. The PH did fluctuate a lot a couple of days back but after I followed the 8 step recovery guide the water has been...
  4. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Sorry for not replying earlier, I was at work. Roseman, I have a Elicent 6" fan. I think that might work :mrgreen:. Thanks a ton for the invite to the Bubbleheads! I will get on that right away! Esilva, sorry I didn't mention this. I just ordered a 2'x4'x5' tent last night. I am getting the...
  5. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Thanks for that Roseman! Now my only dilemma is if I should get a 400w or 600w. Since I will only be having 6 plants maximum would 600w be too much? With a 6" fan attached directly to the reflector do you think the 600w would get too hot in a 2' x 4' x 5' tent? I will have the fan running 24/7.
  6. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Sorry for not posting in a while, I have been a bit busy lately. Anyways, since I last posted I have managed to make the growing conditions a bit better. The air temp never goes above 80° with my exhaust off (it is on every 15min for 15min). With the exhaust on the temp drops to about 72°...
  7. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Some pictures that I took this morning.
  8. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Some new pics from this morning :blsmoke:
  9. Firas

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    Thanks man! Feel free to stop by my journal!
  10. Firas

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    First 2 plants are 19days old from germination. The last 2 plants are 11 days old from germination.
  11. Firas

    Bubbleponics Foam Help!

    Thank you for the reply Roseman, the news about the foam put my mind at ease. :mrgreen: I have skimmed over of those threads a bit but I will definitely spend some more time reading them thoroughly. Thanks again for your help! + rep!
  12. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Posted a help topic Here to deal with some foam that I am seeing.
  13. Firas

    Bubbleponics Foam Help!

    Alright, there really isn't anything wrong with my plants, but there is some foam in the res and it smells a tad and I know this could lead to problems for the plants. This happened earlier in the week so I followed Roseman's 8step recovery which solved the problem. There was no foam until this...
  14. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    The smallest plant sprouted and had that white stuff on it. It looks like it isn't part of the plant itself but is only on the embryonic leaves. I could probably scrape it off if I was careful. The tips of the biggest leaves are a bit shriveled because I didnt have its water tube close enough...
  15. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    I added a 1/4 dose of grow and micro after straining it through a coffee filter (the paper one-use kind). Everything is looking great so far, I think. Time to go smoke a bowl....bongsmilie
  16. Firas

    1st 12/12 Grow with CFL- random unknown seeds

    Damn man that sucks. I have been lurking for a while and was looking forward to seeing this till the end. Best of luck on your next grow!
  17. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Sorry if I offended you or anything Roseman, I hope you will still stop by from time to time because I have seen how great your advice has been and I know that I will need it. Anyways, since I last posted a lot has happened. I managed to break one of my lights by dropping it :-? So I am using...
  18. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Mines seems to be pretty thick, not too transparent at all. I think I may put some tape on the lid anyways. Not duct tape though, because I've heard that it can get moldy due to the fiber in the tape. I am a bit too stoned right now to take some more pictures so I'm gonna go get some munchies :D...
  19. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Pics from day 12 These next 2 I started about 5-6 days later because some seeds didn't germinate. I'll try post again after work tonight :peace:
  20. Firas

    SH Bubbleponics White Widow grow. First Timer!

    Yah, thanks for giving me the heads up. I took a look at this thread and read that it is mostly caused when people are using HID lights and they get excessively hot. I will try return the tent and get a silver lined one instead. Do you think the tent will be fine to use till then? Mostly...