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  1. K

    Strange Leaves

    thanks man! ive put alot of work in to her, the problem is only on the top of the plant but what makes me not think its light burn is the fact that one leaf has a spot thats very far away from any of the lights while some leaves that are very close are perfectly fine
  2. K

    Strange Leaves

    First pic is some of those leaves i was talking about with the spots second pic is whole plant
  3. K

    Strange Leaves

    using a touch less than 4 tablespoons in a 5 gallon bucket DWC of Floranova Grow ill go run snap a pic of the whole plant so yall can see the entire size
  4. K

    Strange Leaves

    No bugs, Been using nutes since day 1 (hydro), one strange thing is 2 of the other leaves with the problem have the brown spotted in a few places but always has 1 big brown spot somewhere on the leaf
  5. K

    Strange Leaves

    using 5 26 watt Daylight cfl's about 2-3 inches away....its in a DWC so i keep ph under tight wraps i shoot for 5.8 but the plant seems like its pretty stubborn on staying at 5.9 only thing i can think of would be low nutes i dont have a tds meter so i cant check exactly, thanks for the help so...
  6. K

    Strange Leaves

    Well the plant is about 5 weeks old still in veg (going for a monster bush) and she has about 3 or 4 of these leaves they are twisted like they grew at a 90 degree angle the brown spots still feel like regular leaves, any help is appreciated!!!
  7. K


    anyone else have any ideas?
  8. K


    ok man not trying to be mean because i appreciate the help is in soil....honestly are you blind? can i please have some constructive help that pertains to my grow?
  9. K


    can anyone help?
  10. K


    they are wood chips ph may be off but i dont have a meter to check any suggestions on balancing the ph?
  11. K


    well she just keeps looking sicker and sicker.... i dont know whats going on can anyone help?
  12. K

    Needs a little bit of help!

    she was grown from seed in the same bucket and since i am using cfl's do i still want to raise it a foot? how many lumens would i lose raising the light a foot?
  13. K

    Needs a little bit of help!

    anyone know whats going on?
  14. K

    Needs a little bit of help!

    i forgot to add that i am watering about every 2 days with a water bottle and im also spraying carbonated mineral water on the leaves
  15. K

    Needs a little bit of help!

    Well she is about a week and a half old in a 5 gallon bucket with organic soil made by one of my buddies she is under 2 26watt daylight CFL's kept about 1-1/2-2 inches from plant my problem is i believe she is supposed to be alot taller than she is as you can see in the pic she is very bushy but...
  16. K


    Not usin nutes yet but tonight iam repotting it into a 5 gallon and i believe i am over watering i will cut back and repost in a few days thanks for the help!
  17. K


    No discoloration and its like the whole leaf is just wanting to point down the tips are not curling its the whole leaf! i will try to upload better pics asap
  18. K


    Hello all this is my first post and my first plant im using soil from a rose garden and 2 26 watt daylight cfl's to veg kept at about 1 inch from plant the only problem so far is she is starting to curl! she is about 2 weeks old and from bagseed someone please help!
  19. K


    Moved to help section!!!