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  1. E

    Lowryder vs other auto strains (Lowlife etc)?

    I know the lowryder strains started it all and the genetics on the AK and diesel crosses are pretty strong, but I haven't heard much about the other dwarf strains. Can anyone experienced with the auto strains give me a bit of a comparison of lowryder vs. lowlife or any other auto strains...
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    Lowryder vs Lowlife, other auto strains?

    I know the lowryder strains started it all and the genetics on the AK and diesel crosses are pretty strong, but I haven't heard much about the other dwarf strains. Can anyone experienced with the auto strains give me a bit of a comparison of lowryder vs. lowlife or any other auto strains...
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    grizzly harvest 08

    lookin' good dude! how many plants and what strain?
  4. E

    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    was away during the days it happened, couldn't be helped p.s. they're looking better now that they've recovered from the rain storm that hit just before the pics were taken. still a lot of dead leaves, but the buds are getting bigger. i'll try and get some pics when i can use my friend's...
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    smoking immature bud??

    on the flip side, some might say a joint in hand is worth two on the plant or however the saying goes :-P
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    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    the strain i'm growing was billed as a 50/50 indica/sativa hybrid. like i said, beautiful plants up until a week ago, and roughly 4 feet tall. just too much sun i guess, they started flowering a month too late. i'm going to let the plants go another week or so, as we'll be having mild weather...
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    gave him the chance to make a quick buck by tipping off the police uptight people suck. i'm really sorry for what happened, man. :(
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    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    isn't that the goal? unless you meant something other than "bolt"
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    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    it rained almost all day yesterday, which would explain the wilting. that's not what i'm worried about though, it's mostly the volume of dead leaves.
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    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    i mean, they look sort of dead already... you don't think it'll ruin the buds in any way by letting them go on like this?
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    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    oh, here are the pics edit: it's too bad these are the only real pictures i took of the plants, they looked so good a few weeks ago... they were just getting way too much sunlight and the buds started late. that coupled with harsh weather leaves me where i am. :( oh well, not bad for a first...
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    pics from after the frost. chop em?

    Here are pictures of two of my three plants. There was a frost the other night and the night before (not sure exactly how cold it got, but I thought they were light frosts) and quite a bit of rain yesterday. The small-ish buds are still in decent shape, though the plants started flowering really...
  13. E

    Frost warning in NE tonite

    Morning Frost, Freeze and Hard Freeze Outlook Maps my advice: if you fall in the purple area, harvest tonight. plants have zero chance of surviving an actual hard freeze.
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    Dealing with Cold temps

    by the way, for those of you who religiously watch the weather for frost advisories, here's a little information for you: --A frost advisory is issued when temps may drop into the upper 20s and lower 30s briefly, but not long enough to end the growing season. --A freeze advisory is issued when...
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    Dealing with Cold temps

    i hear plants can weather temps even below 32 F as long as it doesn't get below 28 F (hard freeze) AND as long as it warms up a bit during the day and they get enough sun any truth to this? edit: +rep, thanks for the helpful post
  16. E

    maybe ya'll can place a name to this weed?

    just got a quo from a friend who got it from a local guy, she doesn't remember the name he attached to it it's easily the some of the best stuff i've ever bought in the midwest, curious if ya'll can put a name to it a brief description: the buds themselves are a little fluffy but cured really...
  17. E

    female preflowers, but no pistils?

    if i remember right, it's flush on the node but a longer tube shape. it looks distinctly different from the one i think is male, which has MUCH more round shaped preflowers that are definitely on little stems. is it common for preflowers to exist for a week or two before actually showing...
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    female preflowers, but no pistils?

    bump, i'll try to add pictures tomorrow
  19. E

    female preflowers, but no pistils?

    i have 4 plants all currently showing what i believe are preflowers at the nodes. the largest of the plants was the first to show them, and has 4 (very) tiny little tube-shaped growths at the top few nodes. of the 3 others, 2 of them have just recently shown growths that look almost exactly the...
  20. E

    dont wanna lose my plant

    there are chemicals that can balance water PH and dude, if you would just READ the guides that people are linking you to, you'd have all the answers you're looking for. that way you wouldn't have to come back here and post a question EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.