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  1. SikSol

    Any Ideas On What I Need To Do With These Babies?

    I would advise against moving from the outside sun to and indoor light such as a CFL at night. Reason being the indoor light is a different spectrum, brightness, no UV etc. etc... This constant transition back and forth will not be the best for you plant. Best thing for you to do and bring it...
  2. SikSol

    how do u stress a plant to become a hermi?

    LoL, I know what you intend to do and I know the process of making feminized seeds. Far more than you do. Yes these seed you get from this process will be female but a very large percentage of them will be hermies. Even the best breeders in the world are unable to produce 100% fem seeds with no...
  3. SikSol

    how do u stress a plant to become a hermi?

    Just do things you normally wouldnt, constantly fuck up its light schedule, dont water for awhile, water to much etc... lol not hard. There are some hardy plants though that are hard or next to impossible to get to go hermie. Why are you wanting to do this by the way?... Just take clones in...
  4. SikSol

    Possible Legalization of Marijuana in WV

    Man you know WV doesnt even have a state or any regional NORML chapters... I've been thinking of starting up one but need at least 4 other NORML members. This state needs somone to start pushing the issue and getting the ball rolling.
  5. SikSol

    Possible Legalization of Marijuana in WV

    yeah I hear ya man, im getting ready to start going to ITT tech here next month only way Ill move to cali is if I can secure a job there before even moving. Otherwise Im content here for the most part. Can grow pretty freely without to much worry where I live. Wish I had more hookups though...
  6. SikSol

    How do I get started in this?

    I've been smoking since about 12-13 and started growing at 19 Im 24 now. I only grow for personal use, just me my wife and maybe some close friends. I never sale it. Just to much risk involved with it and I really dont need the extra money anyway. I also was in the military, Army for 6 years got...
  7. SikSol

    How do I get started in this?

    ^ 17 yrs old.... fail posting that up haha
  8. SikSol

    How do I get started in this?

    No problem man, just looking out for ya dont wanna see you get busted or caught up in shit for no reason. Cuz if I could hunt down all that info so easy cops and other sure the hell can too!! So play it safe and happy growing!
  9. SikSol

    Possible Legalization of Marijuana in WV

    Oh,ky,wv tri state area, and its still pretty strict here if you got 15 grams or under you should get off pretty easy but other than that and the penalties can be pretty stiff, compared to Ohio we are very strict.
  10. SikSol

    Possible Legalization of Marijuana in WV

    Sorry but no, it takes alot more than just one man even if he is Gov. I also live here in WV and even though prob 80% of us smoke in this state and we grow a big % of the weed in the US we will be one of the last states to decriminalize, medicalize, or legalize.... kinda like texas. We have some...
  11. SikSol

    The little plants that could thread!

    Wow know one interested in this... huh.... well anyways will get new pics up 2 moro they are looking better and better everyday however my one big one looks like its still progressing through flowering, putting them outside should have stoped any flowering that had started and re-veg'd them but...
  12. SikSol

    How do I get started in this?

    Yeah man seriously, I done hunted down the town in Ohio you cam from, the town in NC you live in now, I know what you look like, shows you watch.. that you want to be in the Navy.. all kinds of things lol... Learn some security precautions, make up usernames, fake email addresses, you dont want...
  13. SikSol

    How do I get started in this?

    Not to smart, posting email address, your username is your real name and you told that you live in NC and go to a college up there. Wouldnt be to hard to track you down if one really wanted. For example I found where you actually asked ppl on Yahoo Answers how much a pot plant was worth... lol...
  14. SikSol

    Greenhouse recommendation.

    Awesome be looking forward to seeing your grow!
  15. SikSol

    Greenhouse recommendation.

    So I have two girls that are survivors from a abandoned indoor grow (they stayed in the dark with no water for 2-3 weeks and survived lol) Anyways... I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for someone that sales a fairly cheap greenhouse ( $200-$400) thats material is hard to see...
  16. SikSol

    The little plants that could thread!

    So I have never grown outdoors this will be the first time!! .... so story goes I had some plants inside, decided to not go through with the grow because of the people that come to my house and such. So I just left them in there with no lights, water or anything for weeks, probably 2-3 weeks...
  17. SikSol

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    Yep Hermie in last pic there.
  18. SikSol

    Plant stayed in dark for weeks!!

    So I had a grow going in my bathroom and shut it down do to other things coming up, well I havnt stepped in the room for a good 2-3 weeks at least. So the plants have been sitting in darkness for that long with no water nothing!.. to my suprise when I go in most all of them are dead of course...
  19. SikSol

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    Looking nice sicc keep it up!
  20. SikSol

    Sik's Perpetual CFL grow

    Lol, yes the tub is very nice for someone on a budget that has a extra bathroom, you have an exhuast fan or at least the opening to use, the white walls of the bathtub, water source, the drain for excess water runoff etc. etc. I've decided against filling the tub with soil though because of...