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  1. SikSol

    first grow following seemorebuds "buds for less"

    Nice, not a bad CFL grow... just started a new one myself, after going HPS for awhile going back to CFL's lol... check it out in my sig.
  2. SikSol

    second try @ it

    Looking ok, room for improvement. What soil are you using? Also need moar light.. u got plenty in there but they are all mostly small cfl's more smalls ones are no replacement for good big ones!!... Look at my grow in my sig. I have more plants than you with only 2! cfls but they are both 65w...
  3. SikSol

    Sik's Perpetual CFL grow

    So I have about 13-14 plants in party cups from some killer bag seed. They are heavy indica's. They are under a 65w and 85w CFL 12/12 in Miracle grow moisture control. (killer soil considering its miracle grow I love it) The plan: Should get at least 4-6 females I would imagine, top them all...
  4. SikSol

    FIRST grow, how do they look?

    Screw the meters man, I learned along time ago its better to just lift the pot and feel the difference when they get to big to really lift, just watch what the plant does and get a feel for it.. I have had much more success when I ditched meters and scheduled watering... Looking good by the way...
  5. SikSol

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    Good stuff SICC, just finished moving half way across the country and started up a new grow, link is in sig... check it out.
  6. SikSol

    First grow of the year

    Yep about what I got, one is a 65w (300w equiv) the other is a 85w( still 300w equiv I think?) Got the 65w at lowes for like $17
  7. SikSol

    First grow of the year

    Lmao... knew it was coming... hey I heard once piss is good for them!!! nahh this bathroom doesnt get used... Im actually thinking about keeping these in small containers, I unno maybe gallon size. String about 6-10 65w+ big cfls like I got leave them on 12/12 top each one, clone the clipped...
  8. SikSol

    First grow of the year

    nothing no comments... gzzz thanks fellow RIU members lol
  9. SikSol

    First grow of the year

    ....btw they are growing in a bathroom I was going to remodel but decided to use as a grow room instead before anyone points out stuff rofl!
  10. SikSol

    First grow of the year

    So I have some really awesome bag seed growing that is heavy indica. They are about ohhhhh 3 weeks from germination maybe. Not sure what Im going to do with these yet, right now they are under a 65w and 85w cfl (true watts, not equivalent) in some Miracle grow moisture control in party cups...
  11. SikSol


    good rule of thumb on light height is to play your hand under the light by the plant if its to hot for the back of your hand its probably to hot for you plant and also just watch the plants for bleaching or signs of heat stress and adjust as needed. For the watering schedule there are some...
  12. SikSol

    An amazing plant!

    Wow, its sO0o0o amazing my unworthy eyes must not be able to see it!
  13. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Little update, these things seem to be flowering fast, only about 5-6 days since the first sign of flowering.
  14. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Update: So I have a question, want to see what you guys think. The new tops are coming up and some of them seem to be stretching pretty good, there no way I can lower my light any more without toasting them and I dont really think thats the reason they are stretching anyways. Even so do you...
  15. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    I dont remember a exact number for sure but it should be somewhere around 32-33 days from germination.
  16. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Yeah the yellow spotting is actually a little old, all the new growth seems fine, I will wait and see before adjusting anything.
  17. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Welcome along, I would say about 16 or so. Curious to see how they come out, the mystery stain lol....
  18. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    Couple more pics with that are a little clearer to see, really starting to see some tops make their way up.
  19. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Happy New Years TX growers!!
  20. SikSol

    Sik's Grow
