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  1. SikSol

    Sik's mini grow!!!

    So I have a small mini grow going on. Didnt plan on growing until I moves back to ohio from texas but upon purchasing some used hydro gear I found someones stash of seeds. I fig what the heck crack a few and grow em anyways if they dont survive the move no big loss. Okkk some grow info...
  2. SikSol

    The case of the "droopy" leaves...

    First off, that finger inch down to see check "when to water" is bull that is a horrible way to do it. You need to lift and feel how heavy the container is empty then water till it starts to drip for drain holes, lift again and feel how heavy. Do not water again until it feels empty, depending...
  3. SikSol

    2010 OUTDOOR competition

    Well I'd be in for this but there need to be some changes to the setup of the competition. You should add a Hybrid class as well, as getting a pure indica or sativa is not always the easiest or most desired. Also, there should be more classes than just yield, could have yield,best...
  4. SikSol

    forgot to add link to my grow room

    ummm nope, no link
  5. SikSol

    Help! What is happening?

    I think you jumped the gun a bit chopping it all down... if it all had seeds then there was no point really, even bud with seeds and can still be decent once you de-seed it of course. You should have kept trucking until they was properly ready and flushed then cut dried and harvested...
  6. SikSol

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Merry x-mas even got a lil snow here in cen-tex today!!
  7. SikSol

    seedling problems

    No pics so cant say much about what is happening but if the only variable between these and other plants in the grow is the strain then I would indeed say it could be the strain. Well not necessarily the strain it could have just been those seeds, I have had bad seed before that offspring'd...
  8. SikSol

    24-48 hour darkness before cutting

    When your right before harvest the length of dark is speculative there no concrete evidence that it really does anything just a "theory". On how this theory is based and how it should work due to biological processes you would want at least 36hrs of dark for it to possibly have any effect...
  9. SikSol

    will this work?

    You will be fine with the 70w MH in fact I would stick with it and get you a bunch of cheap CFL's for your first grow. With only one plant it could come out to be male and your first grow you could screw up and kill it. So no need to go out and spend good money yet on something like a 400w HPS...
  10. SikSol

    whats wrong with my new ballast?

    Correct, when you first fire it up its not going to look right, will seem very yellow and not very bright at first usually. Once warmed up it will be fine, also if you shut it off you should let it cool down before trying to fire it back up.
  11. SikSol

    help with hps lights

    A good rule of thumb is to place your hand under the light level with the top of your plant with the backside of your hand facing the light, if its pretty hot on the back of your hand then its to hot for your plant. Also just use your sight and feel, if the top leaves start getting "paper like"...
  12. SikSol

    One Plant Looks Twisted, Several Are Growing yellowish leaves

    For one watering with 8.0 PH will keep the plant from soaking up hardly any nutes at all, I know I do it on purpose when I flush for that reason. Overwatering does not appear to be a problem much at all in this case if there is any its very minimal incident. They could use a transplant to...
  13. SikSol

    Male plant

    Chop the male now if its not already to late as it is, if you want seeds save the pollen and pollinate your female of choice so you end up with only one seeded female instead of them all.
  14. SikSol

    Auto Strain History

    Im assuming you are talking about auto-flowering strains. These auto strains are the result of hybrids of Cannabis Ruderalis. It by itself is not desirable as it contains little THC, but it has other desirable traits such as the auto flowering characteristic and good resistance to cold and other...
  15. SikSol

    24-48 hour darkness before cutting

    It should be a mixture of things towards harvest time, start flushing with cold water PH'd high at like 7.5-8.0 2 weeks before harvest. Lower the temps in the grow area if possible then a good 36 hrs of dark or more before chop. This is how I prefer to do it at least, not only do you get a...
  16. SikSol

    Dont forget to leave 1 for Santa!! Merry x-mas and Happy New Year to all..RIU Rocks

    Nah I Medically retire out of the Army next month and if I pop hot between now and then I will loose all my benefits and a nice check for the rest of my life!... I have a few girls growing that I have to tend to that keep my mind off it though lol.
  17. SikSol

    Dont forget to leave 1 for Santa!! Merry x-mas and Happy New Year to all..RIU Rocks

    its even worse if your not dry but still cant smoke!!.. Merry x-mas RIU!
  18. SikSol

    Not good.....

    The danger of this story is not within our community. We know the facts and that the kid was in no danger. The woman may have killed herself due to something unrelated and then again she could have done it because of the backlash she believed she would receive. The real problem here however is...
  19. SikSol

    Not good..... On the evening of Dec. 4, Erin Marcove made cookies for her 3-year-old grandson, a scene that is played out often around the Holidays, except for the fact that Marcove...
  20. SikSol


    props can be given in the form of +rep via the little scales looking icon in the top right of our posts, thank you come again! lol