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  1. Corxrew

    TGA Subcool Agent Orange & G13 Purple Haze

    looks good man, I'll be waiting on a dry weight :)
  2. Corxrew

    TGA Subcool Agent Orange & G13 Purple Haze

    how tall was it when you flowered? and how much did it stretch?
  3. Corxrew

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    what if one of your buyers was on RIU and saw your packaging? also nice thread :)
  4. Corxrew

    fucking cocksuckers

    I would take the money he owes you and break all contact. That is if you can even get the money he owes you.
  5. Corxrew

    What is your biggest pet peeveQ

    this. There is an area that I have to drive through on my way home from work that cuts down to 25 from 55. If i'm going 65 just before the 25 warning sign I can coast alll the way through the 25 zone perfectly. That is until some old bastard decides he needs to be going 25 when he goes through...
  6. Corxrew

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    I've actually learned how to read thump easy typing so I found it to be pretty amusing. haters haters everywhere.
  7. Corxrew

    Uk RIU users , Block your Ip and online id , FREE!!!

    not in UK, but used it anyway. think i'm in cali now. thanks
  8. Corxrew

    Alyssa Bustamante 15 year old kills 9 year old neighbor. Sentencing going on now.

    well since someone decided to drag this up again.... I find it reallly really ironic that so many people are wanting gruesome fucked up death for this girl. maybe she deserves it, but what makes it better for you to do the same thing? worse in some cases. and to the forced sterilization...
  9. Corxrew

    Driving in the snow

    my car drives considerably better in the snow than my truck. might have something to do with the car being front wheel drive with snow tires and the truck being a 92 s-10 RWD with almost bald tires though. :lol: If my jimmy were running it would be a monster. 4WD, big snow tires, extra weight...
  10. Corxrew

    Plushberry Calcium Problem?

    at three weeks I doubt you can tell sex.... what makes you think it is male? pics?
  11. Corxrew

    Who's the elder in your relationship?

    all women ARE crazy. certain kinds of crazy are what you look for ;-)
  12. Corxrew

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    I'll have to remember this thread for a later date when I'm baked or drunk enough to admit mine
  13. Corxrew

    You got a valentine?

    Because some of us know it was a holiday before the idea of Jeebus came along.
  14. Corxrew

    If you were a plant, what strain would you be?

    Bagseed you never know what you're gonna get
  15. Corxrew

    Does anyone here dip?

    I bet that fiberglass feels great. Dip is disgusting, especially when people spit into water bottles. They could at least spit into something opaque...
  16. Corxrew


    Kinda hard to complain about the winter this year.
  17. Corxrew

    Real movies into Porn tiltes

    Grandma's Toy
  18. Corxrew

    Real movies into Porn tiltes

    Requiem for a Creampie Repo The Genital Opera Vagina for Vendetta Laid and Confused
  19. Corxrew

    RIU what happened

    fixed it for ya :)
  20. Corxrew

    Alyssa Bustamante 15 year old kills 9 year old neighbor. Sentencing going on now.

    just a thought, maybe it's not that she can't "grasp the heinousness" of it, but that she is capable of seeing both sides of the argument.