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  1. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    I bought ladybugs! Got them in a dome with a sponge and some raisins. 2 releases in as many days, at opposite ends of the footprint and I say it appears to be working. Holy shit! They really did kill that plant!! That's crazy. welcome to the thread darkzero. Is this ur first go with this...
  2. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Ok well on top of this problem.... Found some spider mites. Now I'm freaking out. Haven't dealt with these bastards in over 20 years. Ordered some organic systemic pesticide, increased airflow... What else? You got any tips?
  3. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Crap that rely sucks. I'm having issues myself, not sure what it is. Checked the runoff @6.8 with 6.6 going in, so I'm thinking its P or K.
  4. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    This is one thing I think the cannabis community needs to work on accepting. There is a market and a place for every strain, even low thc varieties. Much if not all of demand is driven personal preference. What is "good" for one person, is possibly not as good for others. Personally for me, I...
  5. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Appreciate ur 2 cents Trainwreck. Seems a similar experience to my own with this strain. I got roughly 10oz/ plant in 15gal smart pots, but will be moving to 7's after this cycle. I agree with your rating on all points, but I would like to add that as far a smoke quality, while it isn't a...
  6. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    I have not done much foliat application of anything besides misting cuttings. I'm curious as to what nutrient solution and strength people use.
  7. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    What did you apply to foliage?
  8. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Really sorry to hear your troubles. Very confusing I must admit. The only thing I can think of would be genetics, specifically those from the seed you used and possibly the breeder. I did have a bit of trouble switching nute lines, but I'm back to pushing up pistils.
  9. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Outdoor wwxbb
  10. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    <runs downstairs to make sure his water supply is not routed through the softener>
  11. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Funny I was just thinking about giving coco a go when I saw the most recent posts. Now I think I'm going to stick with dirt while I fine tune this pheno. I did some 4th week thinning of the undergrowth. The plants were looking stressed, so I figured they would benefit from increased air flow as...
  12. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Does not sound like the strain I'm growing.
  13. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    It's within range but those minor nutes need it under 6.5. Could be part of the issue.
  14. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Agree. Never hurts to know what that is.
  15. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    i think this is an interesting observation that shows not only variances within the cross, but between different crosses by separate breeders. I mean only they know for sure what the parents' phenos were in any case you know? Just like we are talking about where we got our genetics, I'm sure...
  16. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Yes I'm curious to hear your harvest reports. Strangely, the pheno I perceive as expressing sativa dominant qualities was in fact the most difficult to establish, and had longer inter-nodal lengths than the rest. However, even though her bud size was smaller, it was much denser, and yielded in...
  17. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    The breeder I got my lot from was Switched to 12/12 on 7/27. Onset of flowers on 8/1. Sorry for the green light.
  18. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Transition indoors is almost immediate.
  19. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    I'd have to agree with the sentiment of not stressing too much. I think we sometimes forget how resilient these plants can be. The only thing that semi-flags me about your operation is your fresh-air supply. The a/c draws air from outside the tent?
  20. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Sealed room? co2?