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  1. red662

    Big Budda Cheese Yummy Input Needed

    i was also thinkin bout toppin on the better cheese, i did it b4 and loved the reults i have plenty of height this time so thats not a prob so i wouldn b toppin for that reason, for the candlestick holder effect, the plant spreads out instead of up.. wot u think?
  2. red662

    Big Budda Cheese Yummy Input Needed

    :dunce::dunce:yo peeps well im just comin on my 3rd week from seed been in the pots bout 2 weeks now 5 big cheese, and one blueberry. im uploadin some pics of my babys, and the puny blueberry(it might be bubblegum iv forgotton lol)is a third or less the size of even the mosst freshly planted...
  3. red662

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    can u scrog from seed or does it have 2 be clones my seeds r just 3 week old and i wanted to do the scrog method but wen i read up it only mentioned clones
  4. red662


    id never use 7.0 thats way to alkaline for plants low 6's is ideal high 5's for veg 5.8 perfect 6.5 7.0 man ur yeild will improve if you stick to the proper feed schedule that includes properly ph'd water. best way is to test the run off after a feed take a readin with a pen if u hav one r a...
  5. red662


    i wouldnt veg any strain in the high 6 's wouldnt even think of it max it is the perfect ph for veggin, for flowering id up it a small bit, do a search in this forum and it will say the same as i am, the high end in veg like .6.8 is too much if your gonna do it right and hav an accurate...
  6. red662


    sounds easy n good just do u ph them at all r just go with whatever?just curios
  7. red662

    Big Bang Cheese Master Kush Super Lemon Haze Grow

    so in veg where u at 5.8?
  8. red662


    i also do a ph run off from the feed, wen i water i let the excess build up on one of my plants n test the ph on the run off so its all good right where i wanna b, its the best way to test ur soil especially once you start addin nutes. i have a pen for accurate reads.
  9. red662


    nah man big budda blue is suppose to be vegged at 5.8 flower at 6.2 maybe small bit more but this isnt the first tim and up till now im averaging at least 14 ounces tops from 6 well looked after plants
  10. red662

    Please Help about UK Cheese

    ph at 5.8 5.9
  11. red662


    but as for the 12 12 idea props for a great turn on an idea.
  12. red662


    6.5? maybe up toward that for flowering never for veg big budda should be ph at 5.8 5.9 for veg its on this site Strain: Big Buddha Blue Cheese (Fem single) Growth: Very branchy "christmas tree" structure with many leaves. The leaves have non-over-lapping leaflets. - 3 clones of the one...
  13. red662

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese

    there some lovely pics im startin a new one 3 week old big budda chedder, 600 watt cool tube light loads of fresh air n proper feedin sched, ill update with pics once i get the chance there asleep at the mo lol, has any of you just started staright from 12 12 all through veg n flower? i dont...
  14. red662

    Please Help about UK Cheese

    im growin from seed cheese feminized staed with 5 n one bluberry also fem leftover from the last grow, i usually aim for 6 each time keeps me goin without gettin 2 gready.350 g per plant if u acheieve thothis please let me know exactly how you did it, in all my tim the max i got was 50 60 grams...
  15. red662


    as for the 5.8 i was always told to kepp it below 6 for veg could b wrong a lot of people say a lot of diferant things lol
  16. red662


    lol either way is good, im gonna change my light sequenz=ce over 2 twelve twelve in bout 2 wekk r up to 2 feet high, but if ur sayin do it now without any consequence im game n change it today what ya fink lol
  17. red662

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    coco soil?
  18. red662

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    so even now i can change to the 12 12, 3 week in from seed? they where all fem seed would it not shock it turn then into little balls lol just i dont know if you could let me know it would be great,.
  19. red662


    no not yet i wouldnt start till flowering, must have wrote it wrong,id leave it till flowering and then every other feed, not when there this young im tryin to keep the feed down even 4 ml to the ltr is a bit much for my likein on the plus side it brings the water down to exactly 5.8 which is...
  20. red662

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    sorry wasnt ment to put at least half that on this post n cnt be ar*ed deleting it all sorry man..woman lol