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  1. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    DAY 10 (from day 7 from sprout) watered my baby for the second time, the usual 2 cap fulls, but added another cap full as its going through 3 every 3 days. made sure not to get water on the leaves again!! rotated plant 90 degree, turned the marley up a little louder!
  2. skamindustries

    Almost 7 weeks flowering (54 days)

    your an indoor inspiration dude, keep it up!
  3. skamindustries

    3 Weeks Flower White Widow Pics

    looks awesome! good on ya for growing something so nice! did you use 18/6 lighting for veg? or more of a 20/4-24/0?? im a growing some in the ol closet...any imput appriciated...peace!
  4. skamindustries

    Apartment Growing

    does your apt run on electric/oil heat(the vents with no noticable box emmiting heat) or is it a hot water heating setup (thats the long white boxalong the floors)? my apt has hot water heat because we dont pay for water/heat but they do routine maintenance on our boilers and have had them out...
  5. skamindustries


    if your looking for dirt cheap, the real canadian super store has t8 plug in lights (compatable with t12 bulbs) for 20 bucks each, and they also carry t8/12 lights from 3000k-4100k-6500k at 2/$4. thats the cheapest place for lights that arent proffesional grow lights...good used lites can be...
  6. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    i know alberta weather is fucked royally! its snowing south of town and north of town its fucking 20 degrees. weather sucks balls. so it would appear when i watered that sucker, a drop of water landed on the tip of a leave and it burned it slightly. i guess water is a whoore of a magnifying...
  7. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    terrible news everyone. my apt. building chose this week to replace our boilers/water system and as a result, there has been no heat available for the last 4 days, which was fine, but the goddamn tempature in my apt right now is 68 F (maybe 70F in my closet with that halogen bulb heating up the...
  8. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    oh no, i really hope not. i just gave her a little water like 2 cap fulls and thats the first time ive watered her since plantation. but im new so i have no doubt it is possible. thanks eh! peace
  9. skamindustries

    Good canadian looking for cross breeding advice/strain swappage

    Okay so that title is fucked, but so are we all , a little. Anyways im currently growing me a little batch of the sticky (3 feminized white widow, 5 left to germinate when she's dialed in) white widow-originalgreenhouse seed co seeds - they invented the strain- and i was wondering if people on...
  10. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    finally 2 pics of my baby
  11. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    Day 10 i watered my baby last night and this morning shes got 2more sets of leafs. that would make 4 true leafs and 2 original leafs. shes still pretty short, about the size of a chapstick tube, but my concern now is the skinny-ness of the sprouts bottom... it is skinny, maybe thats normal for...
  12. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    Good day eh, and welcome to day 8 Sprout is looking sharp, the 2 true leafs are growing anf growing, they have grown about 2 mm a day and are 2 centimeters long now. they will surpass the original leafs in size sometime tomorow. soil is still moist to touch which is keen because i havent watered...
  13. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    DAY 7 (overall not from sprouting!!!) 2 sets of tiny leafs visible starting to grow vertically and sprouts is totally straightened out, the 2 large round leaves are still speading out and the tiny true leafs are getting some sweet sunlight action. When i can, ill put up some pics of my ghetto...
  14. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    A SUPER QUICK UPDATE....NEVER LEAVE YOUR SPROUTING BABY UNDER THAT LAMP...its so hot underneath i have moved it further away from my baby as my baby leaned over towards the i have to put cfls on opposite side of bend (about 20-30!). so if your reading this...dont do...
  15. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    DAYO NUMERO (whatever 6 is in spanish) 6 1 sprout is showing! yah baby! its actually a quite large sprout...only 1 round leaf is visible but if i look under the seed half (without touching it because it is not loose)...i can see 2 extremely tiny true leafs.Its looking yellow-green but more a...
  16. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    Day 5 seeds havent sprouted yet. bummer since they friggin germinated so finely..much thanks to kind seed co who have the best seeds i have ever seen. i have been playing a lot of deftones on the stereo lately so hopefully its not mixing up my plants emotions they are quite polar opposites. does...
  17. skamindustries

    Little help with starting my 2nd grow.

    Marijuana Seeds (cannabis, pot) shipped worldwide dude...thats were i purchased mine.they deal wth many seed banks so you pay for a middleman charge (a little pricey for top quality) but they have many different strains of widow with differnt thc levels..only problem i had with them is the...
  18. skamindustries

    For Sale

    i appriciate your reply midgrade. but isnt it legal to own grow lights? imean if i paid for lights with a money order there would be virtually no paper trail...can anyone on rollitup maybe direct me to a reputable online canadian hydo shop? the garden shop by my place is run by old conservitives...
  19. skamindustries

    For Sale

    why are you all hating on us canadians? clearly our hydo shops import shit from the imperial usa federation. but we as canadians bite the mark lights i see at hit tech are almost trippled when bought in canada through hydoponic my question is...why you americans refusing to...
  20. skamindustries

    skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow

    DAY 6 im waiting for a little sprout action now. its been 2 days since seeds were sowed. soil is moist, my ziplock baggies and elastic bands are making a decent moisture tent. (i use the corner to form a large peak that recycles what ever water is trying to evaporate). Still nothing going...