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  1. Philnob

    First grow with cfl's... Advice much appreciated

    The soil isn't anything special... It's miracle gro potting mix
  2. Philnob

    First grow with cfl's... Advice much appreciated

    I'm starting 3-4 sprouted seedlings in a carboard 3x2x4 and just wondering how much light do I need to start them off? Should I use two low watt cfl's then switch to higher or wat... Any advice would help
  3. Philnob

    Can a garbage can be used as a grow box...?

    Does anyone think the plants will eventually grow to heights to where the can would no longer contain them?
  4. Philnob

    Can a garbage can be used as a grow box...?

    Thanks for that link NarrowEye...looking at those pictures sparked abunch of ideas in my noggin
  5. Philnob

    Can a garbage can be used as a grow box...?

    I wanted to start a grow box for 6 plants i have germinating...and decided a garbage can with a lid would be a good idea..any one here have any suggestions or maybe some ideas for a better grow box? or should i just set up the lights and ventilation in the can...
  6. Philnob

    My first outdoor grow

    Any chance of being a hermaphrodite??
  7. Philnob

    My first outdoor grow

    Damn it..... Well u live and learn, thanks for the help
  8. Philnob

    My first outdoor grow

    There's no way... It had no characteristics of a male at all during the entire time it was growing
  9. Philnob

    My first outdoor grow

    Is this plant doing well youd say...? and it just started flowering about a week ago
  10. Philnob

    My first outdoor grow

    This is my first time ever growing outdoors and the plant is 3.5 months old, Recently just started to flower..