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  1. Rusty Cuyler

    Grow Book

    I've had this book for a few years and I don't remember where I got it. It was made by people in sum forum I think it says, but I didn't get it from that forum. I've read from different parts of the book and the info is detailed and covers everything you need to know about growing. Download...
  2. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    Today wen its time for the lights to come on I'm goin to take and upload pics of the plants. Earlier today I noticed that one of the first set of spiked leaves has brown on it. Yesterday I noticed that the leaves felt dry to the touch but they didnt look dried out or anything, they looked...
  3. Rusty Cuyler

    Confused about cfl wattage

    I read sumbody say that each plant needs 100w for the first plant u grow and then 50w for each additional plant. To me it doesnt make sense because if you have 100w of cfls evenly above 2 plants both plants will get the same light. It's not like wen u put multiple plants in 1 pot and they have...
  4. Rusty Cuyler

    First grow ever. CFL. Need input :)

    Why do u need 100w for the first plant and then 50w for every other? It's not like one plant is goin to steal light from a bulb, or take in more than the other.
  5. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    Just wanted to post on here to let people know that I'm still workin on this grow but am gonna wait for a lil while before I post pics but I have been takin pics everyday. I have the two plants in a closet under the 55w 2700k cfl and then 2 26w 6500k cfls. I added sum miracle grow 20-20-20 plant...
  6. Rusty Cuyler

    Ghetto Box Help

    the grow box I was usin in my thread called First CFL Box I used cfls and a cardboard box
  7. Rusty Cuyler

    Cfl micro grow box 2nd grow "green house white widow'

    I've heard that wen you grow plants outside if u harvest them the day after the first frost then the buds will be purple. And ive also heard that growing plants at a low temp will make them have purple buds. Will ANY plant be purple if you grow at a low temp the last couple days of the grow? And...
  8. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    This morning a seedling sprouted from a germinated seed that I had planted a couple of days ago. Wen I first saw it about 13 hours ago it was just starting to come above the dirt, this is it now: Both of the plants where in the same party cup so I transplanted the bigger one into a large...
  9. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    I'm not just gonna go from a normal plant into a scrog grow. I'm going to do sum LST on it and top it when its time to. The stem isnt going to break from the ring. When the seedling was about 2 days the stem was really flexible so I put the ring on it so that the stem would grow horizontally and...
  10. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    And the plant is on an 18/6 light schedule
  11. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    I have a book on my computer talkin about scrogging and it says to grow it horizontal for a certain time so I put it on there to keep it growin low
  12. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    The soil is called All American Potting Soil. It's got wood chips in it
  13. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    Just took sum more pics. The second set of spike leaves have been growing for the past 2 or 3 days but you probably cant see them because the camera on my phone is shitty. The bigger spike leaves have been curving downwards and I dont know if thats a problem. I took this one so...
  14. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    So it will be ok to keep using the 2700 if I just add sum 6500? And I was wondering if it is too soon to be training my plant with the metal ring?
  15. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    damn my bad, I had it all switched up. I knew that 2700 was for flowering and thats tha bulb i have, 2700k. I'm gonna take out tha aluminum foil and paint the inside flat white. Wat wuld happen if I just kept using the 2700k?
  16. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    6500 for veg?? Ive read all on here people sayin to use 2700 for veg and 6500 for flowering
  17. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    The plant is 6 days old. I am using a 55w 6500k cfl. I know that 6500k is for flowering but is it ok to use it now or shuld I switch to 2700k? I'm growing the plant in a good sized cardboard box lined with alluminum foil but I plan to take out the foil and paint the inside of the box flat white...