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  1. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Thanks for all the advice everyone. They still seem to look like they are going to stay smaller then usually because of the stalling
  2. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Yeah i use 3 gallon or 5 depending on whats not being used at the time
  3. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    This was a ph issue i went from promix hp to coco abd perlite. Hydro has tl be 5.5 or close to that. Where as ib soil i can run 6.5-6.8 with bo problems which was my mistake i was running 6.7 rather theb 5.5
  4. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Although i usually dont have this issue stalling before just starting them in the pots they finish in
  5. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    These aee autos so i was advised against transplanting. Maybe starting in rockwool cube rather then right into the medium ?
  6. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Thanks man ill finish them and see what happens
  7. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Ph is fine now. Ans plants are green and growing just not sure if its worth finishing them
  8. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Yeah i did all that they are growing now. But not sure if its worth finishing then because they stalled for 2 weeks
  9. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    It was the ph. I dropped it to 5.5. Plants started to take off but i stalled then for almost 2 weeks not sure if its even worth finishing them now
  10. sevendouce

    Stunted seedlings

    Recently i stunted 3 seedlings by not giving the right ph. They stalled for about a week and a half. Now i adjusted thr ph and They are now starting to grow and look healthy but ibwas wondering if it was even worth growing them after stalling then out for almost 2 weeks ?
  11. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Drop to 5.5 maybe ?
  12. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    This happens
  13. sevendouce

    Seedlings keep stalling

    Been growing over the past 6 years and have never had this happen to me before i start me seeds they pot and sprout then stall out and stay about an inch tall. Using coco and petite 4x2 tent 900 watt mehinzi led Temps are 75-80 Ph 6.3-6.5 Seedlings are 14 plus days old and only anf onch...
  14. sevendouce

    VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W

    Ok so i picked up the 900 watt meizhi led would that work fine in a 4x2x5 grow tent ?
  15. sevendouce

    LED Questions

    thats what i am thinking too, i dont want to shell out a grand im looking to spend 200-400 bucks on a led to try it out before i make an actual investment, It seems if i want something to be better then my 400 though i would wanna go with the 1200 meizhi
  16. sevendouce

    LED Questions

    I have seen people get good results from the mars hydro 48 and 98 refelctors
  17. sevendouce

    VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W

    900 watt replaces a 450 watt hps the 1200 replaces a 600 hps
  18. sevendouce

    VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W

    Thats basically it man if you go to thier site jt tells you what it replaces
  19. sevendouce

    LED Questions

    What if i got the meizhi 600 led and hung that along with my 400 hps? Or can i grow two plants k under the 600 meizhi alone ?
  20. sevendouce

    LED Questions

    Wow eh pretty for a 600 led from there