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  1. S

    Ontario RAIN!

    in the GTA myself. i feel for you. you plant in the ground? i find that a good prayer will help lol. personally i feel responsible. the dog i've had since i was just a boy died this weekend and i've been depressed as hell. usually rains when i cry. kinda weird....
  2. S

    Found a wild crop in my woods behind my house...would you smoke it?

    the guy said he was drying bud, then in the same post he says the plants are beginning to flower. how the fuck do u cure pre mature little shit buds? what would they dry into? 0.05? obviously lying....
  3. S

    growers in ontario

    this is exactly why i put so many. i actually bought 175 clones and sold a bit to make money back i ended up with a little over 100 so i lost a bit too.
  4. S

    growers in ontario

    i grow every outdoor season usually i plant in may. last year i started mid may but due to a lack of interest (g/f problems) i didnt get the greatest results but good enough to not complain. this year i got started a little late because i couldnt get clones on time. anyways in ontario where...
  5. S


    i am not new to outdoor growing i know the basics and a bit more. i use clones BTW. i was wondering if anyone could explain how some guys on this site grow huge bushes?? is it the strain. or is it in the watering? or just space? please help. i would like to get the most out of a small amount...