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  1. P

    Messed up seedlings? Help!

    i dunno those are just the CFLs my brother bought when i told him to get CFLs, are there a better specific kind I should get?
  2. P

    Messed up seedlings? Help!

    ok so i emptied the buckets. i didnt refill them cause the R/O water I have is in a bin inside my basement which is where flowering plants are and theyre in dark so itll have to wait. i did pour some water from a Brita pitcher though on top of the hydroton and rockwool a bit.
  3. P

    Messed up seedlings? Help!

    They're about 2 days old, I put them in hydro buckets the other day and added 2 tsp each of Grow/Micro/Bloom from Advanced Nutrients according to the instructions on the back which said ".77 tsp/gallon" for seedling stage. They're each under a 100 or 150w CFL lamp which is probably 6" or so...
  4. P

    911 Plant Trauma!!! CFL Light fell on plant!

    thanks, thats a relief. shes "bag seed" that came from this really good headies that just happened to have a lot of seeds in it. thanks bro
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    911 Plant Trauma!!! CFL Light fell on plant!

    I was topping off the reservoir in one of the buckets today and I bumped in into the stand where the 150W CFL clip-lights were attached and the light came crashing down on my poor little plant. It smooshed one of the tops of the main branches a bit and severed a tiny little leaf but overall...
  6. P

    Did I mess up light schedule by moving plants?

    Thanks, are there any photos you know of bud grown purely with fluorescent? Is it a waste of time/money/risk in your opinion or will I still get a lot of smokable, quality product as long as everything else is done right? Temp is usually high 70s to mid 80s. It's all set up in a 5'x5'x6' wood...
  7. P

    Did I mess up light schedule by moving plants?

    My buddy brought over two potted soil plants that had been outdoors up until last night to put under my lighting system. They're both female and one has some nice buds starting with probably 5 - 10% of the hairs orange/brown, and the other is a clone of the first plant and has very small...
  8. P

    Need help with germination + early growth stage

    I'm about to get 20 Lemon Haze seeds and I am completely lost on how to start them as plants. I know the basics of germination but what's the best system for starting young plants? The seeds are unfeminized so we don't want to put any seedlings in our bubble buckets until we know they are...
  9. P

    What's wrong with this plant, why is it dwarved?

    1. Growing indoors under 600 W BadBoy, T5 lighting. Lighting was switched less than 24 hours ago from a single 150 W, CFL. 2. In Hydro, "bubble bucket" system. 3. Growing medium is rockwool and hydroton pebbles. 4. Using 3.5 gallons of RO water with 3-part Advanced Nutrient GMB system, I add...
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    Please help sex this plant...

    The little plant is a different project. Here's a few more, better pics of the plant in question. My friend who begged me to let him bring over that plant, swears it's a female but I am really skeptical. I think he's just in complete denial that it's a male plant despite me showing him all...
  11. P

    Please help sex this plant...

    could it be the pH? i use "pH balanced" nutrients and I tested it today and it looked like it was around 6.0 - 6.3, added a bit of pH down too.
  12. P

    Please help sex this plant...

    heres another shot: and a few of the other plant. pics 1 + 3 are the only plant which is growing really strange sorry i suck at taking pics with my cell
  13. P

    Please help sex this plant...

    Male/Female/Hermaphrodite? Please help identify. Thanks
  14. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    here's some new shots of the plant, any input appreciated this is the whole system 3 days ago for comparison
  15. P

    How much should I fill a "bubble bucket" and nutrient questions

    Stupid question but how much water exactly does a 5-gallon bucket need for a vegging plant? At the beginning of the grow, I had it about an inch below the net pot but now that the roots are about 6-8 inches long, shouldn't it be a bit lower? At the moment I measured out 2.5 gallons of water...
  16. P

    Where do "regs" come from?

    I only smoke dank sinsimella where the guy I got it from gets it from the guy who grows it, but recently I got to wondering where shwag comes from. You know, the stuff you get a quarter of for $25 and you typically see in poorer areas of town. I'm talking about the brownish-green...
  17. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    RO= Reverse Osmosis, a process of removing basically everything from water that isn't H2O. A lot of those water coolers you see in offices are RO water.
  18. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    a small fan was just put in the room yesterday, before that nothing was directly blowing on the plant. will the crinkled, dry leaves ever turn into lush, green, flexible leaves? it's been about 48 hours with just pure RO water, will it eventually hurt the plant more if no ferts are added for...
  19. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    ya the rockwool is pretty much soaked. the seed was germinated in a big block of rockwool when the smaller cubes shouldve probably been used, theres been some kinda fungus or green mold on the rockwool too and we've kinda been trying to rip off non-essential pieces of it since the plant has...