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  1. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    It's the only plant my friend has right now so he kinda wants to wait it out and see if it comes back. He's had it in pure filtered RO water pHed to 5.5 - 6.0 for at least 24 hours now, the plant looks like it does now. Should he add nutes back again or still keep flushing it? How often...
  2. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    Here it is again today. The leaves still feel all dry and crinkly. Why is that and what else can be done?
  3. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    Yeah it looks like spinach or something just not a pot plant. So it still has a chance then?
  4. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    ok, old nute solution has been dumped out and it's now filtered, RO water at about 6.0 pH. should it be kept it like this just until the yellow leaf burns go away or should no nutes be added until it grows normal leaves cause wont that take a while?
  5. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    Thanks, should it just be switched to pure RO water then? And if so, for how long should it be flushed?
  6. P

    Weird, Single Leafed Plant???

    My friend has this plant he grew from bagseed in a 5-gallon DWC bucket system. He uses RO water and adds about 2.5 tsp each of Advanced Nutrients 3-part system (bloom, micro, and grow), and 6 tsp of Aquashield. When the plant first sprouted it looked exactly like a plant should look with two...