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  1. T

    How big...

    hi i recently flowered my ww x bb at a hieght of 18inch and the grew to 36 - 40 inches after the 12/12 stretch i think this maybe strain dependant but thats wot happened with mine
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    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    just got scope through today but trics are all still clear so goin keep a close eye on them everyday from now :-) done last feed yesterday so just feeding with pure water from now on. still undecided on the 72 hour dark period before harvest to increase resin? any advice?
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    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    you got any pics of where your upto?
  4. T

    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    4 weeks veg under the 600w hps dual spectrum bulb on a 18/6 cycle the seeds were in 1 ltr pots from germanation for 6 days before putting under the light
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    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    oh i thanks for the comments guys hope i get a gud dry weight and the 60x scope is in the post as we speak :-) will do one last feed then flush up until havest
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    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    setup is 600w hps with 5inch fan and rhino carbon filter 6inch circulating fan inside for airflow 11ltr pots with canna terra using ionic nutes grow (for veg) and bloom (for flower) tent size is 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m i started of with 8 in side but 3 hermied on me i heard it was common with this...
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    white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........

    hi guys just an update on the girls from last time been about two weeks since last pics, starting to see some yellowing all over plants now started at the bottom and slowly moving to the top. i flushed the five girls last week with 30ltrs of water each (they in 11ltr pots) and water again once...
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    yeah thats exactly wots happening mate, the very tops of the cola have about 40% amber pistil whilst the lower buds have mainly white. its defo not cause of heat either as there as some top colas lower than lower buds on other plants that have turned amber. i plan too on flushing only in the...
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    heres the pics as promised day 38 flower......
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    hey guys ill get sum more pics up tmoro of the girls day 38 into flower they look like they have come to a stand still?
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    so safe to say a 48hour dark period would do me good? i think ill stick with little or no flushing in aid of bigger yields but will finish up with proper drying and curing.
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    ill take that as a compliment then? ha any views on the dark period or flushing?
  13. T

    can i buy anything to help me with blowing circuits?

    hi unfortunately your circuit will always trip/break when using the equipment you are if it has done so once before. this is due to the limiting factor being the amperage of the circuit breaker i.e. if your circuit breaker is 15amps and you plugging equipment adding up to 20amps will draw too...
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    just checked the girls and humidity wasnt too bad last night, gunna take a few more pics and upload them straight away, noticed a few pistils turning brown on and around a couple of heads dont know if this is a natural thing of is sumthing going wrong? also would like any input on weather at...
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    this is diffrence from being 2 weeks vegged (18/6) to 4 weeks flowered (12/12) -total time difference 6 weeks -
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    ill see about getting myself a set then, thanks kinectic for the +rep :-) does anyone out there know if it would be worth while adding the ionic boost to my cerrent feeding schedule for the last 4-5 weeks of flower?
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    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    do you guys think it would be beneficial to add the ionic boost for my last few weeks? or would the increase in yield be negligible?
  18. T

    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    micro tip scissors? nope ... i take it you mean small ended scissors so i can get right up to the bud when trimming?