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  1. T

    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    yeah the picture are all of the original seeds i got from i only removed the hermies from the grow. so you think these are doing ookay then yeah? i only ask as im a total newbie but i have read on here that the last half of the flowering phase is wen they really start to fatten...
  2. T

    Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?

    HI ALL, i started a previous post about the problems i had with the hermie from on their ww x bb x line feminised im now at 5 females flowering nicely with no signs of males or hermies at all. being a newbie i was wondering if these seem to be developing okay or are they on the...
  3. T

    Hermies gone rest of grow to harvest here!!!

    yeah mate thats the exact same thing that im getting i dont know if its disappating or im just becoming immune to the smell lol here some pics on the 12th day of flower :-) wot you reckon?
  4. T

    Hermies gone rest of grow to harvest here!!!

    guna take sum new pics, any upload very soon guys will be the 12th day of flower
  5. T

    Hermies gone rest of grow to harvest here!!!

    hey guys cheers for that. thought i had spotted another hermie this morning but unsure dont think it is tho just guna keep a close eye on it. dont think ill ever be using female seeds again maybe use greenhouse seeds bid bud x skunk croos anyone out there got any info or experience with this...
  6. T

    Hermies gone rest of grow to harvest here!!!

    how bad will this smell get? im on 11th day of flower and its lifting lol, ive got incense burning and rhino carbon filter, tent running with negative pressure but after lights off period can still smell them really bad in morning. any ideas?
  7. T

    Hermies gone rest of grow to harvest here!!!

    hi all again, this is a follow on to my previous post where i encountered sum nasty hermies in my grow 2 out of 8!!. they have since been removed from the grow room and im guna post pics and info on the rest of the grow rite up until harvest. im growing 6 (was8) white widow x bid bud female...
  8. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    cheers for that, and in the future ill do more research into the suppliers of the seeds to avoid that same disappointment again. the lights seems to be helping alot. well i cut the other two hermied plants out of the grow room and stamped on them to warn any future to be hermies to stay away...
  9. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    cheers for the info i think i will just pull the two that have shown signs and hope for the best with the rest. everything has been going so well since day 1 maybe too good, no stretching no discolouration no nute burn ph ec and temp and humidity have been perfect im guessing these type of seed...
  10. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    yeah i read that they have a tendency to herm (white widow x bid bud feminised from femaleseeds), silly mistake i wont make again. im growing 8 plants and 2 have shown these flowers thats the ones ive posted the pics of. ill pull the 2 out which have the male flowers tmoro morning and thoroughly...
  11. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    yeah they were grew from feminised seeds and there is pistils elsewhere on plant so im guessing a hermaphodite? bastard!! this is one 2 out of 8 plants!!! :-(
  12. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    is that a definate? so u reckon i should pull the 2 out asap? just im kinda new to all this and would appreciate any advice cheers
  13. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    p.s these images can be zoomed into very closely without any distortion if downloaded and view using a photo editor/viewer
  14. T

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    hi im on a first grow and all is well into 8th day of 12/12 after 5 weeks of veg from seed now 29inches tall , plants have been all topped once and temps and humidity have been constant throughout, after switching to 12/12 8 days ago ive been keepig a close eye on the preflowers /pistils etc...