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  1. joefoxx

    Exactly how have we been convinced

    Well that's true but it's also relatively subjective. It would depend on what an individual deems as "best". Some folks may feel sharing is best while others may feel it's best left to survival of the fittest. Isn't this the basic argument between Democrat and Republican. It's sort of like the...
  2. joefoxx

    Yellow supremacists!

    haha i see what you did there. extra points for the google image search and the clip. that's better researching skills than the average American... Affirmative action Alum or nah?? lol
  3. joefoxx

    Yellow supremacists!

    Wasn't in favor of AA by the way but I understood it's purpose.
  4. joefoxx

    Yellow supremacists!

    You know a lot of useless conjecture in this country is from such narrow perspectives. Is it me or are so many people so in a hurry to simplify everything into a black and white situation, no pun but it fits. The whole reason for the original AA is because minorities as a whole were not being...
  5. joefoxx

    Exactly how have we been convinced

    That's a good point. But if that logic is correct then it is always in any employer's interest to pay the lowest costs for the most labor. This is why labor unions still exist in the first place. Capitalism is not personal in itself. It's just a formula for profit but any fool knows the basic...