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  1. A

    Twisted leaves and deformed growth (pics attached)

    I've only had experience with spider mites. I'll have to rush order a 100x loop. I'd say its mostly the new growth that's twisting. Or at least the new growth twists the worst. All I have for pests is Azamax, but I've heard that doesn't do much good for broad mites. Have you had experience w/...
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    Twisted leaves and deformed growth (pics attached)

    The twisting does remind me of reveg issues, but the problem was happening before I switched them to flower. Also, the vegging plants that are in 24 hours of light are twisting bad, so im confused. Can't find any other threads/pics of plants twisting quite like that
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    Twisted leaves and deformed growth (pics attached)

    thumper - yea, that's the only time I've seen anything similar to this, but these plants were showing these signs well before I switched over (and the veg plants that haven't been switch are also twisting). Not sure what to do :(
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    Twisted leaves and deformed growth (pics attached)

    This is the exodus cheese in veg: You can see how a lot of the leaves are twisting right as they begin to grow, some are hardly growing at all.
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    Twisted leaves and deformed growth (pics attached)

    I have cutting from three strains, the Exodus Cheese seems to have the worst symptoms, although none of the three look great. I'm using home depot buckets (with holes drilled in the bottom) filled with B'Cuzz Mix and Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow and Bloom Ph Perfect. (I originally started with...
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    Possible Broad Mites

    Thanks for the info Alien. I have been getting a lot of deformed leaves (single tips, 4 tips, etc.) I thought it was getting better when I changed nutes, but some of he new growth isn't looking too good again. I have been adding very small amount of CalMag incase either of those are lacking...
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    Possible Broad Mites

    I should add, ppm has been around 600-800. I'm using tap water that reads about 150ppm before adding nutes
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    Possible Broad Mites

    Using Bcuzz Mix (has unfortunately been open sitting next to miracle grow) Advanced Nutes PH Perfect 600w temp in low 80s low humidity (around 20% RH) but been working to increase it close to 30% I can see lots of small dots on the underside of the leaves, something I've never noticed before...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    Some of them have definitely shown signs of improvement. I'd say the two that got flushed look the worse, although it seemed like a decent idea at the time. I think they really just need to dry out, and I increased the humidity in the room from ~20 % to ~40%, so that probably helped too. I...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    They were pretty rootbound when I transplanted so I tried to break up the roots a little, I suppose I could have damaged them in the process. Not sure what else could have damaged the roots. I only flushed with about 4 gallons, but I duno if flushing with more water will help unless it's a...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    Its been about 4-5 hrs with 6.0 flush and its not looking any better :( I'm mostly watching any new growth because the old leaves prolly wont ever look healthy again. Any other ideas? thanks again
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    Leaves Curling Down

    I thought it looked like overwatering too, but they haven't perked back up at all as they dried out. Plus I always soak my buckets after transplanting and I've only watered them twice now. Now I have to decide if i should continue to let them dry out or absolutely soak them by flushing with...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    They continue to look worse. I'm using PH perfect nutes which I've never had problems with before, but my soil ph meter is reading ~7. I may have over nuted them initially, I guess ill try flushing one or two with 6.0 water. I just hope im not doing more damage by over watering them, but it...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    they're used buckets but they should be clean. I have holes in the bottom, I pokes a screw through them earlier to make sure water didnt come out (maybe it already got absorbed though). I'll try to drill larger holes ASAP. I'm not sure what else to do.. They're definitely getting worse and...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    I do have holes but I'm wondering if they're getting closgged/not big enough. I poked the holes today with a screw and no water came out, but maybe the water had already been absorbed/evaporated. I'll try drilling bigger hole ASAP... what else should I try in the mean time? And i didn't wash...
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    Leaves Curling Down

    Bcuzz Mix in 5gal buckets Advanced Nutes Grow ~70-80F ~20-25% Humidity Ever since I transplanted the leaves have been curling down and stems got very purple. I waited a little longer than usual to water after transplanting, so the roots may have dried out a little, but I soaked the buckets...
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    Purple Slow Growth

    Getting pretty slow growth with droopy leaves and purple stems, especially on the top side of the leaf stems. I think the problem is either temp issues or ph. They're in bcuzz soil-less mix (70% Sphagnum Peat, 30% coarse perlite I believe) I believe this medium requires ph closers to hydro...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I recently got a 240V dual 600watt setup. I was planing on wiring a 240V outlet although I don't have muhc experience. After purchasing the equipment, I noticed they sell 120 to 240v converter transformers. Would this allow me to run a 240V ballast from my 120V outlet? Does th ransformer...