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  1. Madjoints91

    Better light

    Well I have about 1200 to play with, so if I have to go more exspensive for a better light that's what il do, the plants are growing, but not as good as I think they could with a better led
  2. Madjoints91

    Better light

    I threaten them with ombudsman but they couldn't have give any less shits than they did when they sold it to me.
  3. Madjoints91

    Better light

    I got in touch and said I would send it back, because it's not as advertised, so I'm like we'll you took 115 off me but saying il only get so much back because I got rid of the packaging, then went on to tell me I wouldn't get a refund at all because it's not faulty, I said your missing point...
  4. Madjoints91

    Better light

    I will definitely take a look mate, I'm still kinda new to it all, I'm just glad I've found this out now rather than sat scratching my head wondering why it's take the piss
  5. Madjoints91

    Better light

    I will have a look around, I don't mind paying the money for them, just want something that's true to its description, thanks mate
  6. Madjoints91

    Better light

    Does anyone recommend a decent grow light that gives out the minimum 600w, I bought one for £115 says it was 600 but when it was properly tested, it only turns out to be 100, pretty disappointed to be honest.
  7. Madjoints91


    I do have a 100w and a 600,
  8. Madjoints91


    Cheers mate thankyou
  9. Madjoints91


    Yea they have sprouted now mate, the first root is out and it's just about to push rest of way through the soil, I can see them so would you say do it now, are wait till they are fully through
  10. Madjoints91


    Newby question, do I turn the lights on when the seed breaks soil, or when the first set of leaves appears properly?
  11. Madjoints91

    Intake are extractor

    Sweet thankyou mate, il keep that in mind
  12. Madjoints91

    Intake are extractor

    Yea mine definitely don't go above the 30 mark, it's obviously enough to help the plant grow but would you recommend a slightly higher temperature than that
  13. Madjoints91

    Intake are extractor

    The led light I use only heats it up to around 28 degrees, I feel it's not enough, but the plant is growing, , so I wasn't sure which I would be better off with an intake or extractor, I dod have a heater on to heat it up but found it was getting way to hot and that was on the lowest setting, so...
  14. Madjoints91

    Intake are extractor

    Well that's what I have set up bud, but just came across it on the web, so thought I would ask the question to as what people prefer, they would only think it's my next door neighbor anyway as he's a mega stoner lol
  15. Madjoints91

    Intake are extractor

    What do you guys use for air flow?intake fan are extractor fan, and which would you prefer to use and why Thanks
  16. Madjoints91


    Thankyou for all that mate
  17. Madjoints91


    I will look at all these and choose one from there, there's just so much stuff, as a newby to it, it's all up in your face lol, you read one thing and then something different
  18. Madjoints91


    So say from a seed, would you just use that litre of water through the first week are every time you feed, mix new?
  19. Madjoints91


    I will have a look at this mate, it would make it all easier if it's an all rounder, rather messing with mixing
  20. Madjoints91


    Cheers buddy been a big help.