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  1. Madjoints91

    Mix up leds

    Does anyone know if you can mix different LED'S in same grow tent? I got two different types with different wattage
  2. Madjoints91

    Purple lemonade

    Has anyone ever grown purple lemonade auto? If so how does it grow and is it a good grow, given the right environment
  3. Madjoints91

    Right tool

    Never thought of that to be honest, I will give that a go definitely
  4. Madjoints91

    Right tool

    I have a hand held magnifier, but as good as it is, trying to keep it still while checking is a bummer, so don't know if there was any better
  5. Madjoints91

    Right tool

    When checking your trichomes, does anyone have a good tool they use to check on it? If so what would you recommend
  6. Madjoints91


    What was your yield on it.
  7. Madjoints91


    How long you used that mate
  8. Madjoints91


    There's just so many , if I could just bug all and try all it would be good, but obviously to many problems come of that, but il take on board what you guys have said and will have a look
  9. Madjoints91


    Tha Ta the thing I'm a newbie and so for the plants are growing great, I'm growing the fast and vast by heavyweight seeds, and using Buddah tree organicus which so for has done well, but I use Coco, and read that alot of nutrients can be lost through it because of what it's made from, so read...
  10. Madjoints91


    I will have a look at that bud, it don't have to be all in one, but just makes it easier
  11. Madjoints91


    Thankyou mate
  12. Madjoints91


    Can anyone recommend an all in one nutrient? Not fussed on the cost, I have come across to many to choose from for my next grow, and would love some recommendations
  13. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    Well I was same when it went from seedlings to veg, it seemed to be slow, and then all of a sudden, it just went mental, I found myself checking on them every 15 minutes lol
  14. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    Yea still got a while to go, it just popped in my head that's all, because I asked same question about veg stage, and the lad was right, withing a couple weeks they just went boof!, Exploded in size
  15. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    Wow, that's a wicked grow, looks really well to bit yes at the moment there tiny buds if at all, but least iknow they will have a big transformation in the last few weeks
  16. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    Tha is matey
  17. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    That's right mate yes
  18. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    Thanks for that mate
  19. Madjoints91

    Flower stage

    So I'm two weeks into the flower stage, and was wondering if there's a point that the buds just go mental and start growing at a much faster rate, like it does when in veg? Just a question I thought of asking more experienced folk
  20. Madjoints91


    Can anyone tell me what's happening to my leaves, and what to do to sort it out?