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  1. Madjoints91


    I would use the tent but there is a plant in there that won't be ready same time as my other two, so got to use something else
  2. Madjoints91


    I read it a while back on a different forum , bit never thought much of it untill I started getting closer to harvesting
  3. Madjoints91


    So I have read that if you use a cardboard box to dry your bud, that it can sometimes taste like it, now I also read that to solve this problem, that you can use waterproof material to cover the inside of the box, to stop the box soaking up all your moisture, I'm wanting to know if anyone has...
  4. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    I've had a lot of info of you guys and I appreciate it, I did buy a book called the grow Bible, and that thing is wicked for info, but doesn't do any good for if you are on a tight budget
  5. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    That's it, I've read so many things and it sounds like some people just over complicated it when it came down to it, of course I want it to be right but with money at the moment with this covid shit, it's pretty hard
  6. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    I had seen them on the web, people using them, so il just have to see what will be best
  7. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    I get you yes, well I can make a frame easy enough so I will probably do it this way
  8. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    I get you yes, well I can make a frame easy enough so I will probably do it this way
  9. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    I had thought about a frame, are a box method, but you don't know which to trust
  10. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    Well this is my first grow, so I will learn from this
  11. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    I had a good understanding, but that has broken it down, thankyou for that
  12. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    Not that easy, if I could I would, but my work has got me layed off for God knows how long, so money's tight
  13. Madjoints91

    Best drying method

    So I would say I have a week are so before I harvest two of my plants out the tent, but I still have a plant that is a couple weeks younger, so won't be ready to harvest, so due to this, I can't dry them in the tent like I hoped, is they another way which is just as effective, maybe with...
  14. Madjoints91

    More room

    Ah right ok thanks, I got 15l pots at the moment and they have grown great, but it was for when I do my second grow, was just getting advice.
  15. Madjoints91

    More room

    So I don't know if this is a common sense question or 1 that gets asked alot, but if a plant is given more room, do your buds generally get bigger?
  16. Madjoints91

    Different nutes

    Well I have used big Buddah tree organicus from veg into flower, I was told it would work well and it has, but I still have about 5 weeks or so of flowering, and wanted to try advanced nutrients bloom, as I have a full bottle
  17. Madjoints91

    Different nutes

    Thankyou pal
  18. Madjoints91

    Different nutes

    Can anyone tell me if you can use a different brand of bloom nutrients instead of ones that are of same brand?
  19. Madjoints91

    Mix up leds

    Thanks for advice mate, really appreciate it, I was looking to get another viparspectra in a month or so when I do my next grow so that philzon will go in to
  20. Madjoints91

    Mix up leds

    Well ones from when I first started off mate, I thought it was the bomb, it's a philzon 600w, Chinese shit, that exaggerated the wattage and spectrum, but it did grow them for a while untill I switched, I now have a viparspectra p1000, and it's done a great job, for size on the grow tent anyways,