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  1. D

    Weird Issues

    I got the ffof, and bought some air pots. Transplanted every plant I have into the new soil, which is divine btw. I decided not to add anything. The soil should already be buffered to the right ph, nutes should be gud for the most part. I'm going to stick with the MG nutes for the time being...
  2. D

    Weird Issues

    I know its not pretty. But for ~$150.00 I will have a 32 Gal grow box with a 100 watt LED light source. I have to be inventive. I have a very small closet and I'm poor. Well I'm definitely going to have to change to to fox farms soil, I have no chance of keeping them alive in this shit. And...
  3. D

    Weird Issues

    It has been transplanted and flushed since I used the vinegar. Apparently, that is just the normal ph of peat moss. The backing soda it just temporary. I wanted to get it a little more healthy before I transplanted it again and this should do the trick. I'll transplant it into the right soil...
  4. D

    Weird Issues

    Chill bruh! I'm going to get some FFOF tomorrow. I Just found 2 places that carry it and i'm off tomorrow. All i'm saying is that the ph being that low clearly was the MAIN issue. I'm sure she's only going to improve only so much before I fix the other things. Oh yeah! It's a Girl! she has...
  5. D

    Weird Issues

    Well I finally figured out what the problem was with a ph strip. The water coming out the bottom was at ph 3.7 holy shit balls. How? This is medium that hadn't been exposed to anything but tap water and 1/8 tsp per gallon miracle gro. There has to be something in the peat moss that is highly...
  6. D

    Weird Issues

    Believe me, After my first clone has rooted, I will immediately transplant it into ff and go with that from now on. Eventually, I do also want to experiment with hydro systems etc. But soil is fine for me right now. But anyway, the container the mother is currently in is only slightly smaller...
  7. D

    Weird Issues

    Again, CFL lights are being used by choice. I want to keep a mother plant that will fit inside a small stack of 5 gal buckets. So once I get her a bit healthier I will put her in better soil, but i think shes too delicate to survive a transplant right now. That tupperwear container is...
  8. D

    Weird Issues

    Oh also! He said I'll need more light. I've got it 4" under 6 23w CFL's with very good ventilation, temp stays about 74 - 78 depending on the weather and a/c or heat running. Anyways surely these bulbs are sufficient for a smaller plant. It's growing inside a stack of 5 gal buckets for christ...
  9. D

    Weird Issues

    Are you suggesting a lesson about not getting co2 in the soil? or about rinsing the leaves with plain water? or not doing it too often, causing mold or suffocating the plant? If you have a good reason to suggest why not to do it, by all means please share it. I'm really trying to learn here. I...
  10. D

    Weird Issues

    I'm a little worried about transplanting them yet again. They've already been stressed to the max as it is. At this point, I would have to order the ff soil, wait for it to arrive and then transplant, and by that time it seems like ill be ready to flower it. Don't you think I'd be better off...
  11. D

    Weird Issues

    See this is where I feel like i'm getting a bit of conflicting info from this site. My first thought would be that there are PH problems. Look at the mottled yellow spots on some of the leaves. But some of you are saying I shouldn't even really worry about PH in soil. But then some of you are...
  12. D

    Weird Issues

    Think I should trim some of the lower, sicker looking leaves or branches? Maybe Like 1 leave every day or so till I eliminate the 2 bottom branches? I don't want to shock it too much right now because I want those tips to grow in strong. But I'm thinking the plant could use the energy and nutes...
  13. D

    Weird Issues

    Ok here is an update/ another cry for help. Bear with me here, i'm a beginner. The smaller plant is just stagnant. I'm not really investing much more into it. If it pulls out great, but i'm counting it a loss. This larger plant though. Notice how the new growth looks fantastic, but the older...
  14. D

    When to take first clone?

    As this is going to be a mother plant, I don't plan on ever flowering it. But my question is when is best to take the first clipping. As I understand it, clipping the main is better to promote the growth of new growth tips. As I want this plant solely to take clones from, the more growth tips...
  15. D

    When to take first clone?

    So I have some plants that I'm not actually sure how old they are but I Over-watered them and damaged them to point where they grow very slowly now, but otherwise seem healthy. I'm praying one of them ends up being a female, as my goal for the time being is to establish a good mother plant. My...
  16. D

    Weird Issues

    They have both improved tremendously. I think their root systems have finally recovered from the over watered conditions, they appear much more dynamic responding to the watering. The growth rate is picking way up. Color is way better. I will post more pics in a few days, but on the one plant at...
  17. D

    Weird Issues

    So I went and got the normal miracle gro plant food 24-8-16. I am going to use 1/16th a teaspoon of it per gallon of water. This is 1/4th of what the instructions specify. I'm going to feed it once, water twice, repeat. I already gave them food today about 5 hours ago and the big one is already...
  18. D

    Weird Issues

    Miracle Gro seed starter mix. Its mostly peat moss, a little perlite mixed in and it looks like 1 month worth of 3-3-3 So my question, is the peat moss giving the plant any nutrients like other organic matter? Or should I feed it as though I'm giving it 100% of its nutrients.
  19. D

    Weird Issues

    Yes! this is what i'm asking. Should I be feeding them like they are in soil or soil-less?
  20. D

    Weird Issues

    Is this considering that the mix they are in now is just peat-moss and per-lite with "1 month" of miracle gro plant food? Shouldn't I basically treat this as a soil-less medium?