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  1. D

    Nutrient Question

    Hello again I'm about to feed my plants just have some questions I already have the feeding schedule it came with the Fox Farm nutrients the chart starts off when the plant is just a seedling where you just give it Big Bloom and it says for week 3 you give Big Bloom and Grow Big. Should I...
  2. D

    What to do with rain?

    Ok good they look fine now I don' t have pics yet but will posting some this week. I've been nervous on how much I feed I haven't done it yet but will this week too.
  3. D

    What to do with rain?

    OK thanks that's good to know. I was worried at first because the leafs were a little droopy when it was raining and they are all looking good. Then on Monday I'm going to start feeding them. I'm going to have to have to find better storage when my plants get bigger.
  4. D

    What to do with rain?

    I have another question. Last night when I was at work we had a really bad rain and I wasn't able to cover my plants where they go rained on for a couple of hours. My one Cheese plant a small part of the corner of the leaf fell off. They are looking fine now since it stopped raining but is this...
  5. D

    Nutrient Question

    Thanks for the advice. It's only been 2 weeks and they are getting bigger everyday, I'd say within the next 2 weeks they will be over 6 inches and I will start feeding them then.
  6. D

    Hey hows it going? You were telling me you had some advice for me in the Nutrient thread. I'd...

    Hey hows it going? You were telling me you had some advice for me in the Nutrient thread. I'd appreciate the advice.
  7. D

    Nutrient Question

    I'm using fox farm soil as well. I originally wasn't planning on growing outside, I just have a lot of seeds and I'm also going to be setting a up a indoor grow as well
  8. D

    What to do with rain?

    Thanks for the advice it hasn't rained since yesterday morning but it's really cloudy out again. By plants are only 2 weeks old. When they get bigger and just in case there is suppose to be heavy rain I was just going to put them in a big box with a tarp covering it. Is that a good idea?
  9. D

    Nutrient Question

    Ok thanks for the advice. When I got the fox farm nutrients it came with a feeding schedule. It doesn't mention anything about auto flowers it says you should start on the first week but I'm not sure if that is the same for cannabis. It says that says it starts off with 6 tsp of Big Bloom with...
  10. D

    What to do with rain?

    I live in New Jersey it doesn't always rain here but at least two-three times a month. A lot of the time when it rains it is pretty light and the weather clears up after an hour. Heavy all day down pours don't happen too often. It stopped raining but it's still cloudy and forecast said a chance...
  11. D

    What to do with rain?

    I was wondering what to do with rain? My plants are still pretty new and it's been raining hard non stop here today . I put them in a small box taped it shut and put it inside a big garbage bag and covered it with a plastic table cloth. The weather forecast said it's suppose to rain until...
  12. D

    Another Think Different grow...

    Looks good I'm growing Think Different real soon I already got the seeds I just got to set up my tent
  13. D

    Nutrient Question

    Hello everyone, I just got started on my first grow outside. I'm growing auto flower plants, I got Cheese, Jock Horror and Northern Lights. I have a question about when to feed my plants. They are 2 weeks old and I'm using the 3 fox farm products The Big Bloom,Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I was...
  14. D

    CFL Grow with Big Buddah Cheese Automatic

    I can't wait now until I get my Cheese plant growing. I should be getting the seeds by next week.
  15. D

    CFL Grow with Big Buddah Cheese Automatic

    I like your stuff. I'm about to grow some Big Buddha Cheese Automatic. Hopefully mine grows as good as yours. You said you got 36gs with that plant when the curing was done did you have any less?
  16. D

    Growing Advice

    Thanks for the advice. What if I grew two different autos? I'm also thinking of just growing two or maybe just one Big Buddha Cheese Automatic plant since it is my first time growing.
  17. D

    Growing Advice

    Hello everyone, I'm growing a plant for the first time and I never knew how hard of a decision picking out the right seeds would be. I would like to grow both a sativa and indica in the same closet. So I can smoke my sativa in the day and indica at night. I don't have anything to grow yet but...