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  1. C

    Strange Problems With My Plant. Please Help

    Stop using lime Juice, Flush them with regular water and let them dry. WHen you use miracle Gro its best to only use water for 3 months because the soil is packed with food to last for 3 months it says it right on the bag. Lime juice would definitely screw with the miracle Gro PH which will lock...
  2. C

    6.5 weeks flowering - increased yellow, wilting leaves. Phosphorous deficiency?

    I think you might be strong with the nutes or over/under watering problem. I would Try using normal water flush and let dry fully see if the new growth is good
  3. C

    WHat is the Problem? pics here please help

    Cool thanks everyone for the Help, Very low budget right now and there are definitively holes in the bottom of the bucket. I think too much nutes and over watering were the problem as far as heat stress my hands do not burn at the top of the plants held for a minute I have the plants 15 inches...
  4. C

    WHat is the Problem? pics here please help

    1000W HPS Organic soil grow temperatures are normal 70-90 and also how old do plants look? I am trying to help a friend thanks for the time