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  1. Z

    Question about LST

    Yup that’s what I did.. tucked and moved them a lot they are way bigger untucked and un tied down
  2. Z


    I Feel u bro lol but imma just have to do it and figure shit out !! I’ll keep updated
  3. Z


    Yea pretty new.. only grew one plant.. then I started this new grow which is my second and I’m doing coco for the first time what should I do then
  4. Z


    Ok so I am good bro
  5. Z


    I have multiple plants in a 1 gal smart pot... in coco and perlite mix 8is 1 gal big enough for the plants to be okay? And still get a decent yield.. I don’t have the room to make the pots bigger which is why I need to know if they’ll be okay
  6. Z

    Question about LST

    Picture of them today.. right after I start LST
  7. Z

    Question about LST

    Plants are all a little over 4 weeks.. almost 5 weeks.. and not sure how many nodes will let you know later when I get home
  8. Z

    Question about LST

    So leaves that touch the medium I should cut off ? Even tho I have auto flowers ? The leaves that touch the medium are HUGE fan leaves I should still cut em ?
  9. Z

    Question about LST

    About to low stress train my plants for the first time, I know what it is, and I know how I’m gonna do it but some of the videos I watched some people were cutting leaves off while doing it, I was under the impression you shouldn’t really cut auto flower plants is this true ? And should I avoid...
  10. Z

    Quick help

    Ph is usually around 5.6-5.9
  11. Z

    Quick help

    P medium- coco coir and perlite mix 60%-40% gh flora grow series flora gro - 1tsp..... flora bloom -1tsp...... flora micro -1tsp ppm before nutes (tap) 190-199 do not know ppm after nutrs
  12. Z

    Quick help

    Led yellow lighting... 600w
  13. Z

    Quick help

    Yes tap water, no cal mag.. ppms in tap are high thought thered be enough cal and mag in tap, was thinking of adding cal mag
  14. Z

    Quick help

    Growing in coco, using gh flora series liquid nutrients right now, will be switching to gh maxibloom soon
  15. Z

    Quick help

    Got 2 plants experiencing these dark goldish spots, one plant it’s not so bad on the other it’s pretty bad, you can see in pics below please help and also one plant looks very light green
  16. Z

    Everyone please respond to this

    I can use general hydroponics maxi bloom powder nutrients (5-15-14) throughout the whole grow ? And not switchin it up ? I grow in coco
  17. Z

    Need help regarding coco coir

    So you only use The maxibloom and nothing else ? The whole time
  18. Z

    Need help regarding coco coir

    So you only use that one thing ? And NOTHING ELSE ?!
  19. Z

    Need help regarding coco coir

    Really ? Thank you bro
  20. Z

    Need help regarding coco coir

    So my first question is, can I switch the nutrients I use in my coco grow without having issues ? Also.. is there any cheap ways to provide nutrients to my plants ? I started using general hydroponic nutrients but I wasn’t aware at first at how much I really had to use every feeding... and at...