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  1. Z


    2 small would go thru netcup
  2. Z


    No I mean like medium as in the thing I put above my rock wool for my kratky bucket.
  3. Z


    What other medium can I use for hydroponics that’s not hydroton that shit is ass
  4. Z

    Make water easier

    Easiest way to water indoor plants. Is there a pump or something I could get for my 5gal bucket ?
  5. Z


    I don’t think I got my rockwool wet enough just got it super wet really quick and put seeds in there, can I just spray them with water to make up ? I mean worse comes to worse I’ll throw some née seeds in some new rockwool and just soak them properly like I was supposed to. But just curious on...
  6. Z

    Rockwool (2)

  7. Z

    Rockwool (2)

    Once I have my seedling starting and rock wool setup on hydroponic system do I need to water the Rockwell to keep moist?! Or will the hydroton and water into the roots keep it moist?
  8. Z


    Thanks again mick
  9. Z


    From the videos I’ve seen everyone has been starting their rock wool & seed in the dome. I didn’t think it was necessary but I didn’t know if raised success rate or anything like that. Just asking because I do not have a humidity dome
  10. Z


    Do I need a humidity dome for when I put my seeds in the rock wool?
  11. Z

    Quick question

    Oh shit I didn’t manage ph.. just thru them Inna bucket and washing in tub
  12. Z

    Quick question

    I thought so, I was 90% sure I would have to clean it cuz I figured the dust would cause issues
  13. Z

    Quick question

    This may seem stupid but. I’m about to start my first hydroponic grow my hydroponic medium (pebbles) arrived with a dust type layer on them should I wash them off before I use them or no ?
  14. Z

    who posted the weed with what loked like a dried liquid on it, its important

    Do you want the pics from seed until now? Lol
  15. Z

    who posted the weed with what loked like a dried liquid on it, its important

    i grew the weed from seed it’s definitely not laced weed
  16. Z


    What causes this
  17. Z


    That’s the conclusion I’m coming too. I just think it’s some really good fuckin weed lol and no seriously when I seen it yesterday I’m super confused like does weed produce sap? Lol
  18. Z


    Yea bro, it’s crazy I was inspecting my curing weed and I seen it and I’m like what the fuck
  19. Z


    Not home right now, screenshot from video but it looks like literal dabs just coming from the nug