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  1. Z

    How safe is

    boy, whatcha doing with that skinny cigarette?!
  2. Z

    Help with lights

    what size pots are you using? the bigger the container, the more space it takes up etc.
  3. Z

    how many

    thanks all
  4. Z

    how many

    Maybe, I should rephrase the question? Anyone care to help a brotha" out?
  5. Z

    Is my plant strong??

    Plants that receive 18/6 are better off than those of 24/7, due to the fact that there is no appreciable growth of the plant after 18/6. so keep at 18/6.
  6. Z

    how many

    how many plants can I fit under a 400 watt hps, where I'm using 5 gallon containers and keeping the light about 12 to 14 inches away from the tops?
  7. Z

    Intake vent question

    Thanks dude! don't know which approach I'm going to take, but one of the two ideas!!!
  8. Z

    Intake vent question

    I want fresh air intake from outside. Problem is that where I am, it can get to -30. Don't think plants would like that! How does one remedy that? Some kind of in line heater or something?
  9. Z

    the mistakes i have made during this grow

    I am using hps. The new clones I am using seem to be doing well under the lights, now I have them bout 12 inches from tops of plants. The fans are making it cooler so plants don't burn
  10. Z

    the mistakes i have made during this grow

    a lot of this I should have known better. I have no one to be mad at except myself!!!! Good thing there is help. some people have their own opinions, which makes it hard because you don't which approach to go with!
  11. Z

    the mistakes i have made during this grow

    I also had an electrical fire from too much current draw, I almost burn my house down!!!!
  12. Z

    the mistakes i have made during this grow

    Mistakes I made this grow. 1. Having lights too far above plants. 2. Listening to someone that said the lights should be 3 feet above the plants.3. getting spider mites.3. using detergent(with micro-scrubbers) and neem, to kill mites).4 Using miracle grow fertilizer on really stressed plants and...
  13. Z

    light height

    thanks every one! There is a noticeable difference already!
  14. Z

    light height

    will my plants get back on track? Thanks for helping me!
  15. Z

    Things to Know About Lighting

    I had my lights too far away from my plants in flower. Using 400 hps with uncooled reflectors. Will the lowering of the lights fix my semi-stunted plants and get them back on track? they were 3 ft away and are now 18 in away from tops.
  16. Z

    light height

    I have discovered that my lights were too high in flower. I am using 400 watt hps. I have lowered the lights to 18 in above plant tops. These are un-cooled reflectors. Will this correct the slow flower problems I have? The growth in flower was delayed. I had them way high.
  17. Z

    how far should my light be away from plant

    mine were too far away and moved them down and noticed a difference immediately
  18. Z

    First harvest have some questions purp #1 aurora indica

    squeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll like a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Z

    Wilting after Nute Burn

    I just flushed mine. I had a mite infestation, now thats gone. I used too much nute and burned the plants. used 5 gallons per pot. Hope it survives.
  20. Z

    clones in humidity dome

    That answered my question thanks