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  1. Diablos

    Different ballast driven lighting questions

    Yeah that answers my questions, Thats the same chart i linked above. The plant under the new 250w CMH has only little new growth, but explosive root growth. Its acting odd, I would normally have explosive upwards growth by now as well as the root exploding downwards. I shall re-examine my soup...
  2. Diablos

    Different ballast driven lighting questions

    Respect. That is exactly the information i desired. So using that information we have established the following; MAX GROWTH RATE = 10,000 lumens is MAX USABLE light per foot square. Or worded differently, 10,000 lumens per 0.1 metre sqaure. (one tenth of a metre square) The chart i linked...
  3. Diablos

    Different ballast driven lighting questions

    Cool, I thought being a 250watt, I could get away with it being closer. I should expect relatively equal growth for the first few weeks of veg? (250w CMH vs 400w HPS), I know the internode distance will be different slightly, but expectation for overall growth? Ive never had an issue with root...
  4. Diablos

    Different ballast driven lighting questions

    Hi Guys, Thx so much for helping me in my journey's. Now i have a simple question, Does a higher wattage bulb (CMH, MH or HPS) make a plant veg/grow faster? If i have 2 plants, one under a 250w and one under a 600w in ideal comparative circumstances, after 2 weeks, will both plants be the same...
  5. Diablos

    downward canoe with claw. 2-3 weeks into veg... w/pics

    also, stop listening to Bmeat, this looks alot like his handiwork!
  6. Diablos

    DWC water chiller

    even easier way... Go buy a long hose. attach both ends to the res and bury the middle outside under the earth. Pump your nutes through the hose,, out into the coiled up, dug into the earth. Enjoy your cheap assed effective natural chiller. It works well, Google, done many times, well documented.
  7. Diablos

    Recent Transplants to Hydro...lil help please!!!

    LOL, You did what i did... And it so embarrasing when you work it out. 1. You wet your leaves, then they dry, the leaf will shrivel up like your grandfathers johnson, and get a few little holes in it, these leaves dont seem to come good again, they stay deformed looking. 2. Ive only ever seen...
  8. Diablos

    Drinking Red diamond Natural Tea Might help speed up passing a drug test?

    And then maintain a low body fat percent, Helps alot. cannabinoids and metabolites, as well as other shit get stored in the fact pretty easily. I wasnt aware that excessive anti-oxidants in just tea could detox you, will have to read up on it. Those liver detox things at the drug store, like 5...
  9. Diablos

    Help! I can't leave the house

    How and why the fuck would you do that! acutally no, i dont wanna know how. just why :-|
  10. Diablos

    Ran into co-worker while getting supplies

    LOL, she was proabaly shopping for the same shit!
  11. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    Seems you understand the underlying point. But i have to admit, alot of the shit posted was funny as fuck.
  12. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    Oh yeah that video with the muffled voice, that isnt on drop box? Oh yeah what video? Let it go, its obvious my acceptable standards differ from the "country where you can say what ever you want when your white". Lock this thread. delete my account. its now signed out.
  13. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    free speech does not allow one to insult, intimidate, offend or in any way portay ones race in a defaminotry fashion. Everyone who googles "define nigga" and is ok with it, i pray for you. im done with this site. Do you think this is the first time BMEAT has gone nigga nigga nigga nigga black...
  14. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    So you are telling me that the meaning of nigga and nigger are different?, Are you trying to tell me that its ok to exploit some "loop-hole" in regards to the spelling because you think it changes the words definition. wait, secrity didnt let me post google - define nigga Web definitions...
  15. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    Guys could you please pay me the courtesy of a small amount of respect. So this went 3 stars in 5 minutes, must be a popular topic around here. I appreciate the fact of what is said behind closed doors shall remain there, this is not "behind closed doors" or "over a quiet one". This is in the...
  16. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    No im not, when you run a website exposed to the international community, international laws trump local laws thus, whats unnacceptable in my country, HELL whats unnacceptable INTERNATIONALLY, and your trying to say that i have no right to be offended? Glad to see nothing has changed since MLK...
  17. Diablos

    Riu - racism and hatecrime in newbie area

    i have reported the post, taken a time stamped screen shot, and digitally authenticated it. I post this here, as im under the impression this is where the admins "hang" POST 119 - BMEAT calling people...
  18. Diablos

    Interferance from digital ballast?

    Ill second guess him, i build robots and circuits. This is my forte. It would be EXTREMELY unlikey that a ballast would be able to interfere with a 2.4 - 5.8 GHZ DIGITAL SIGNAL, You were not clear on the fact of, is it your wireless signal or actual gateway signal? I bet money you have it near...
  19. Diablos

    Help me FIM or TIP - video included.

    "thing" = the part you cut when you fim or tip. Do i only top/fim the node at the VERY top, or do i fim/tip any node that looks like i can? When i examine my plant (was given to me as a clone, guess its been tipped alot already, was 15cm tall when i got it), i can see new fan leaves growing...
  20. Diablos

    13/11 light cycle???

    ROFL, read this slowly, who can see what was copied and pasted, ill give you a hint, its goes "dumb dumb, intensly informative, dumb dumb dribble". could it be "Its possible to retard or inhibit, traits and growth though environmental manipulation. You can also expedite other processes in the...