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    broke man stem

    cool i was worried because when they say to top the plant they say the new growth and this was further down so i wasnt sure appreciate the feedback
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    broke man stem

    my plant was about 12 inches tall and i ws bending him sideways and the stem broke like 2 nodes from the top it broke completely off will the rest of the pant continue to grow verticly or grow at all? im worried i hut her:neutral:
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    chasing a ghost cant figure out my problem

    mild drooping they spring right back up inthe morning so this might be the case i just wsnt aware that plants did that but ya the droo slightly then spring up
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    chasing a ghost cant figure out my problem

    im using 6 by 6 rockwool blocks set on rockwool slabs, my babies are almost a month old and at the end of the 3rd week i overwated my pllants or so i thought because my plants drooped towards the end of the 18 hour light cycle and so i stoped feeding for 2 days rockwool is still moist but my...
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    to much water?

    hey these plants are three weeks from seed i uploaded to pix, one of a healthy plant in my garden and one i think has had to much water does this seem to be the problem?
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    Fimming and Topping 101

    when is the best time to start topping your plants, my plants are about 3 weeks from seed showing 8-10 leaves a new set comes threw evryday i have them on a 250 ppm andd im moving up to 500 ppm thursday, a week from then i start my vedge t 800 and plan to move up by 200 evry week when should i top?
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    when do i put my rockwool starter cube into my expanded clay, when the tap root is showing? my plants have to half inch size leaves along with the small oval leaves it starts out with and the tap root has poked threw the bottom of the cube
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    ya thats what im doing when do i start feeding them? they are in rockwool cubes im growing using expanded clay pellets
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    once my seedlings have cracked and a tiny sprout comes out of my starter cube do i put them under flourecent light and begin light feeding? im growing using drippers and expanded clay
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    seedlings starting to sprout

    the first of my seedlings are showing thier faces now poping out of the rockwool starter cubes but the color is an off white to light yello they are barely poping up now so is this ok mabe photosynthisis hasnt started thats y they dnt look green yet?
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    drip feeding

    i figured a contant drip would be ok because it seems like my roots will be getting enough air, thanks for the help il try it out, if they seem to get to much water il try somthing else right, trial and error.. il be taking a journal and il be documenting evrything with pictures more detailed so...
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    starting from seed

    i started germinating 10 Aurora B. seeds from flying dutchmen at 9:00pm saturday sep. 6 and im really excited! i used a heating pad with humididty dome and put my seeds in 1" rockwool cubes moist with ph 5.5 water, and set them in a dark room. im guessing 24 to 48 hours before they crack and...
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    drip feeding

    im growing using expanded clay.
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    drip feeding

    i am using dripers to feed y plants, should i run the drippers all day or should i have a feeding schedulae and set the pump up on a timer, if so how should the scheduale look for 18 hour cycle and 12 hor cycle
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    ready to start?

    thanks im so happy when this forum works im tired of peolpe using it as myspace to knock other people but ya i didnt use a bunkbed i just built a frame and raised evrything above the res, im not so sure i want to ue the dripers if u wer to go soiless how would u do it?
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    this is my first time growing, i have done all my research and have benn planning and building for months now. my grow area is ruffly 6.5' T 5' D and 9.5' W. i have 4.5' of verticle grow room before the plants hit the light. im using a 1000w air cooled hps/mh lamp with convertable ballast, a...
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    ready to start?

    this is my first time growing, i have done all my research and have benn planning and building for months now. my grow area is ruffly 6.5' T 5' D and 9.5' W. i have 4.5' of verticle grow room before the plants hit the light. im using a 1000w air cooled hps/mh lamp with convertable ballast...
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    lights and how far should i start them from plants

    im starting from seed using a 1000w air cooled metal halide. how far should i keep it from the tops of my seedlings after they show leaves, how long until i lower the light, and how close do i keep the light from the plants during vedge? any advice appreciated
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    what is the best to grow

    i have 4 feet from the top of my growing trays till the glass of my 1000w air cooled hps / mh convertable lamp, should i use scrog or just grow up to the lights? whats a strong smelling plant that will yield and fit at the same time? im also growing in a 5' by 7' area