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  1. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Well with such a small area I am going to try and go straight to clones. My cousin has me covered with 6 different strains, just got to get this bad boy finished up and ill start getting the ball rolling on my plans. I am working on lighting exhaust right now, Ill post some pictures up in a bit.
  2. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    @capthbooyah thanks man! first one Ive ever built. I am hoping to figure out somewhere to build a bigger one once I get a grow under my belt, make this one a veg box. Really been enjoying it, cant wait to get some plants going!
  3. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    Help Me Pass My Drug Test. not me but good guess
  4. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    Help Me Pass My Drug Test.

    Ha thanks guys got to get a job. Finally graduated college after too many years got a job lined up I used to intern for. So yeah no one will be watching me.
  5. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    Help Me Pass My Drug Test.

    So yeah got to pass a piss test. Stopped smoking for a little bit but realized after 3+ years of all day everyday smoking it wasn't going to happen. So my question for you all is do I go for one of the detox drinks or synthetic uren? Anyone have experience with either I would love to hear...
  6. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Well finished up the cab construction minus ventilation. Check her out! You can see where I am going to install that PC fan into the hood and then vent it up out the top. And the center light socket is empty I need another Y-joint and then Ill throw another two 6500k bulbs in there. Still...
  7. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    @captbooyah Thanks man! I used to want to be an electrical engineer so wiring stuff up is always a blast for me. @frmrboi Yes sir I think I understand. I bought 10 CFLs for my hood, 8 6500k and 2 2700k for my veg, ill switch the bulbs over for flowering. What do you guys think about adding...
  8. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    panty hose over passive intakes?

    I dont have a tent but my cousin does. What he does on his passive intakes is uses some of that flexible dryer ducting and simply has it come out of the tent and then do a 360 degree loop in the ducting. The loop makes it so no light will come through. I dont know if that makes sense. If not...
  9. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    CFL DIY lighting hood... questions!

    Hey everyone! I am working on my first grow... still building but loving every second of it. Here is what I am doing. I am using a section of ducting opened up to form a reflector hood for my lighting. Here is how it is looking: I got her all wired up and she is working great. I wanted...
  10. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Here is a pic with the fixtures dropped in and you can see how I plan to split each socket with a Y-Joint.
  11. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    @frmrboi thanks for all the help so far +rep
  12. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    In the process of building out my lighting hood. I am using a piece of ducting and pvc piping to renforce the hood. I am about to begin wiring up the lighting fixtures but wanted some opinions. Here is what I have done so far: My question is I have a few extra PC fans. I was thinking...
  13. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Well I have been looking at using the the dryer vent tubing cut in half to make a fixture for the lights. Kinda like this but way more pimped:
  14. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    @frmrboi good deal I just got most my lighting and starting to design a system that I can raise and lower the lights on. With that Ill add some form of reflector to it. Well see limited space to work with but ill make it work! Got another question for the experts. I have have a space in my...
  15. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    Newb grow cabinet!

    Good luck man! Im in the same position right now building my first cab right now. Newbs for the win!
  16. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Sick man! Well I am heading out to buy my lighting, ventilation and some other odds and ends. Hopping to have the cab fully up and running tonight so I can get some base line temp ideas before I get my girls! Ill try and post some pics up tonight!
  17. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    @Captbooyah Thanks for the input! Now do the fluorescent tubes have the same kinda of ratings? Will I be looking for a 6500K bulb just like the CFLs? I looked for a second the other day and saw tons of tubes that just said plant lights, thats where I got the idea of adding some tubes with my...
  18. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Grow CFL

    Hey guys first grow here! Supper stoked. Right now I am still in the building process but I wanted to start my journal now to document the building process as well. As of now I am still in the cab construction. The cab is 30"W x 25"D x 40"H so pretty small little cab. Constructed out of...
  19. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Well my issue with the hps is just space and heat for this grow. The hight of my box is only 40 inches, so putting a hps system seems a bit much. I was going to go CFL for my first grow.
  20. PipinYouSmokeTooMuch

    First Time Grow Lots of Questions!

    Well I used to pay $45 an 1/8th for dank and I wank to clear that with my homegrown. With that said I really dont want to drop $100+ on an inline fan or carbon filter as I dont have the worry about smell and I want to keep it kinda small and simple to learn the basics before I go bigger. The...