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  1. D

    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    not sure yet looks about minimum a quarter dry from what i can see. alot more buds then i thought would come out of this and bigger then i thought.
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    yea she looks nice!!!!! i havnt harvested it yet here are some new pics o havnt got a fuckin magnify glass yet i need i know!!! but the main cola is starting to look real buff! i used weak lighting for this but kept it on for 24hr lighting. i noticed some leaves dont go yellow on lowryders im...
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    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    i think the main cola is very close but the bottom is still premature
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    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    got a new posts of her day 74
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    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    "reaches in back pocket pulls out BRIX METER"...thanks dude
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    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    yea i was ggunna say what and where do i get that lmao
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    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    theres no rush here dude, just looking for some advice as when to chop i dont want to do it to late and loose out! i dont know what early is hence why i have posted here i said i was a first time grower .
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    Lowryder #2 harvest time

    First time grow...pretty impressed with what i have accomplished. used minimal lights unfortanetly but i created a crafty setup that produced a plant that i never thought it would never turn out how it did. i expected half of what there is and size wise because of the lighting i used! non the...
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    Lowryder # 2

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    Lowryder # 2 close to harvest??

    First time grower, lookking for some input on my plant. i think it has grown pretty good considering the setup and the cfl lights i used. Im at day 70 with the plant. any other growers try this strain how long did you wait. please comment! the first two are the most recent i took today. im also...
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    yea i hear ya dude, a week it is!
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    yea ok will do! i heard cfl's take a bit longer to i heard of lowryders going 75days and im at day 67 right now. plus im using the smallest cfl's pretty much. im just so anxious cuz its my first grow and i just want to try this bud think its to early to do a test bud???
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    ahhhhh ok i get that now ive been looking at the hairs, so pretty much the crystal on the leaves and bud is the actual triches i should be lookin i understand why i need microscope. can u only tell with microscope?but yea def help bro thnx dude!
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    i dont think im entirely sure what to look at exactly to know when it is ready to cut. i understand the whole amber thing . i look at the plant and it looks like half the hairs are still milky white and half are amberish?
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    Need some input on this plant im at day 66 into the grow thinking the top cola i can cut soon as about 50 percent has turned amber. has been an interesting grow i used 2 cfl bulbs during veg and 3 for flowering. first time grow and had to be low budget next time gunna step it up but this was...
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    Latest pics of my plant and a pic of the setup i have been using to grow this baby!! im pretty impressed for what i have got and used i notice my plant is taller and lankier than most lowryders but i know its because of the weak lights and the plant stretching buti kept the light as close as...
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    Yea man lol its a bare minimum grow best i could do for the first time but i think it has turned out pretty good for what i used. used household lamps pretty much for the entire grow i think i will get a minimum quarter from the harvest .i used 24hr lighting. blue spec for veg and red for...
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    Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.

    A few weeks you think. I thought a week tops! the main cola is about 50 percent amber but the bottom of the plant is still white im thinkin i can cut the top soon and leave the bottom to finish???