The people of ISRAEL,are GODS chosen people.As for the US saving them from the snakes,yeh they did that.It took a long time.Any thought why it took a long time?I got one,waiting until the snakes,had a whole bunch of smart scientists,knowledge,etc.Same thing thats happeing in Afganistan,Iraq.The...
Fuck satellite dishes,fuck cell phone towers,they can't be healhty.Fuck aspartame,fuck GMO foods,fuck Monsanto.Fuck US companies that ship their manufacturing ,etc. overseas.Fuck vaccines,fuck tap water,fuck puppets in the gov.,and the media.
that was last year,it hermed,scrapped it.But I got a lil private reserve og,starting to flower,its been pollinated.I also got a few other superdank pollinated girls.I'll upload pics soon.
can't really tell,from the pic,might just be a sativa that has'nt got plenty of sunhsine.As for hemp,I think hemp is the male part of cannabis.Give it a rub,if you get resin on your fingers,its a female.
Yeh thats what I did last year,to my superlemonhaze.My masterkush popped a couple claws,and I pollinated her.Only got a couple beans,but I got a stupid superlemonkush plant out of it.Its flowering,I'll put it up soon.Seed companies don't use that method,I'm sure they spray female plants with STS.
I'd make a diluted neem oil spray,keep those moths out.A lil dose wont burn the plants.As for yellow,it could need some gardenlime,or N.Or it could be from the bug spray your using.I'd hurry,and spray that whole area with a diluted neem oil,spray,b4 the invasion of the moths come.
Just give the plant a mist down,with a water hose.I like to wait until the 3rd week of 12/12 to pollinate.I also would'nt have pollinated the whole plant,maybe a few nugs would've been enough.
This is my method of drying,mainly for personal connoisseur grows.I hang until the buds are crispy on the outside,then I put them in a medium paper bags.I leave the bag open a day,then roll it lightly.After a week or more,I then compress it lightly.When they seem dry,I then put them in Quart...