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  1. sm315

    CFL - Multiple 23w or one 250w?

    Yeah 2ft in height is a little tight to be fitting and HPS lamp, going to get really hot, even with fans. You should be able to keep a good temp inside w/ just the CFL's if you insulate your box, and are just passively drawing air.
  2. sm315

    CFL - Multiple 23w or one 250w?

    The trajectory of the photons comming out from the CFL lights are not perfectly linear, they get scattered quite easily, so you will never get very good canopy penetration with just a single light. More lights, at various positions around your plant is always going to get you better results...
  3. sm315

    I feel like a chump....

    Just finished pulling my first plant from some bag seeds. Managed to pull 120g from 350W of CFL (2 plants under this) You always have to consider that whatever your growing shouldn't become seeded, so it's going to be of better quality than where you got it just for that fact.
  4. sm315

    Why are my colas not filling in?

    side lighting?
  5. sm315

    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    Perfectly safe, just gotta give things enough time to dry... you can get quick drying that should be good to go in 24 hours.
  6. sm315

    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    If you need to increase humidity, just put some more water into the box.. like 500ml in a small cup. As for reflection, mat white spray paint.. $4 a can. If you want to really make it light tight, spray a coat or two of black first, then a couple coats of white over top of that. Right now the...
  7. sm315

    I have searched and searched......can ANYONE tell me what??? is going on

    kind of looks like it might be a mg issue because of the yellowing/spots, could try adding epsom salts to your water.
  8. sm315

    is it male?? or female?? or both??

    those look like they have a couple weeks left still easily... how much of the plant is showing polin sacs.. you could try cutting them away and hope for the best.
  9. sm315

    is it male?? or female?? or both??

    ok, that pic changes things. how long have you been flowering it?
  10. sm315

    is it male?? or female?? or both??

    male through and through
  11. sm315

    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    looks a lot like mine... I didn't bother with all the fans though, just got one on the outside pushing cold air in, and some vents on top.
  12. sm315

    The sweets fruits of all this labour.

    A little leafy, I need some better trimming sissors. They are, keep those CFL's tight and you can grow some good nugs... I know the guys I was buying off of use HPS, but I think mine turned out just as well... have to pay a little more attention though. Extra green Christmas, I'm vegging...
  13. sm315

    The sweets fruits of all this labour.

    No clue on the strain, these were bag seeds that I suspect are from some kind of Kush cross, as that is what I tend to be able to buy from the dealer/growers I know. They're not entirely ripe yet, probably 7-10 days more is what I'm thinking, most of the pistils have started to recede and turn...
  14. sm315

    The sweets fruits of all this labour.

    I think this is one of the most satisfying feelings I've had in a while. Just finishing up my first real attempt at growing for myself, going into day 45 of flowering today and I cut down my first branch for some tests today. Weighed in at 19.5g wet... this is good news, as it's the smallest of...
  15. sm315

    Can i ph down with this? I use soil

    what kind of soil. soil done properly should maintain it's pH.
  16. sm315

    T5's for Flowering

    If you want to grow 4 plants I'd say you need about 400W. Whether that comes from a HPS, or from T5's doesn't matter, but they are going to use the same # of kWh's. Unless you keep it to very small plants.
  17. sm315

    T5's for Flowering

    I don't think you quite followed my post. To grow effectively you need so much light (lumens, or more specifically photosynthetically active radiation - PAR), watt for watt, you get a lot more PAR with HID lighting, plus a lot more penetration of the canopy so you don't need as many. That's...
  18. sm315

    T5's for Flowering

    It will work. Gonna come down to the light positioning and how many watts you want to stick in your grow area though. In all honesty there is really no electricity savings, the only upside to fluorescent lighting is it doesn't come with the heat and ventilation issues that HID lights have.
  19. sm315

    MY CFL picture grow log (My first Grow)

    Genetics determine sex. Just like we do, weed also has two chromosomes (and on rare occasion 3) that determine the sex of the plant, fem seeds are pretty much your only option, unless you can get a hold of some clones.