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  1. Wiredink

    how does this weed look? good or bad?

    Well I'm using basic house bulbs :/ pots dirt and water
  2. Wiredink

    how does this weed look? good or bad?

    Aw man yeah I had a feeling it was bad :/ Thanks for the feedback though, ill make sure to grow something better next time One question though.. where can I get a good strain seed? I might as well go big for the next grow
  3. Wiredink

    how does this weed look? good or bad?

    so this is my first grow and things were looking good, they started growing in mid jan and it is now late may with buds, well they look like buds but at times look like flowers.. please take a look and let me know what yous think and how long i should wait :) thanks by the way they are regs i...
  4. Wiredink

    Growing 3 babys, some advice please? *pics*

    So I began this grow around january with 3 plants This is a picture of them around mid feb It is now may, one plant was male so I discarded him, one of the plants ( the tallest) has buds with long white hairs and crystals, it smells fantastic too, I think I might be burning it also :/ the...
  5. Wiredink

    Inspired Art from the Heart

    Thanks everyone :) all this just motivated me to work on it more, now that the weathers getting nice, The creater is actually the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl of the ancient aztecs, the Flower looking thing is actually fanned out feathers mimicking a flower, I will finish up and postt up...
  6. Wiredink

    Some of my Airbrush Work

    That tigers eyes man! Beautiful, anyone who can airbrush has my respect, but I can say one thing, the skull on the mustang could have been a bit more realistic and detailed to go with the flame because you went all out on the flame and it looks perfect
  7. Wiredink

    500 Airbrush hours on 1 smoked out painting

    You snapped bro, airbrushing so much detail is hard to do! And you did it even in the smallest parts, mad respect, you should get into custom car painting
  8. Wiredink

    Inspired Art from the Heart

    I'm young, drawing and painting is my passion, just want to share some pieces with yous guys Its a work in progress and due to the unpredictable weather in chicago I've dragged to finish it But here it is hope you like it and any feed back is appreciated I also have more to come if anyone...
  9. Wiredink

    My arts okay.. Should I keep drawing?

    Dam bro that's nice, to be able to use different colors in a piece that is stricly out of ones head
  10. Wiredink

    Gro wall 24 vertical grow system

    I like the last link you put up, that gives me some ideas on some vertical grows, but sorry I don't have anything to contribute to your post
  11. Wiredink

    Horizontal Growing

    This whole growing sideways thing sounds interesting, keep us posted on how it goes
  12. Wiredink

    Growing 3 babys, some advice please? *pics*

    Yeah ill probably put it with different soil, brand new pot and whole new set up with some good cfls like you said, alrdy eager to see how they'll turn out, the best in the world I hope haha
  13. Wiredink

    Growing 3 babys, some advice please? *pics*

    Yeah you make sense dannyboy602 fo sho
  14. Wiredink

    Growing 3 babys, some advice please? *pics*

    lol yeah my cat loved to get high with me, itll run around can crash into things haha and yeah ill def check it out strictly water for now and the dirt, its a mix of soil from outside and miracle grow moisture control, the lights i leave on for 16 hours and 8 hrs off, like a regular day i...
  15. Wiredink

    Welcome New Members! thanks for being interested, and i copied and paste the url so i hope it works
  16. Wiredink

    Growing 3 babys, some advice please? *pics*

    cool cool great advice man, im just winging it lol thanks and they are regular plant/ aquarium lights
  17. Wiredink

    Welcome New Members!

    What's up everyone, I posted a thread about my grown and no ones viewed it or replied :( I just want some feed back But I won't let that put me down, this website has giving me a lot of info, thanks
  18. Wiredink

    Growing 3 babys, some advice please? *pics*

    Okay so I've tried growing in the past.. but without any luck, outside and inside, I had a cat and it used my pots as kitty litter so yeah.. lol but now I really want to grow and be successful I have 3 babys growing 2 in one pot and 1 seperate, the one that is seperate has a thin stem...