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  1. BlackPeter

    Outdoor Soil Mix so far...

    Well I have half of my plants going into the ground, but where I'm putting buckets the soil sucks so I'm thinking if I let it use the 6 gallons of dirt to get big then it can make its way into the crappy stuff. You know? But, I might just dig a hole too, it's tough to haul the dirt.
  2. BlackPeter

    Outdoor Soil Mix so far...

    So this is what I've got - let me know if I'm overdoing it cause I don't wanna screw up. -Composted Horse/Chicken manure. So far I've ordered 4 50 pound bags but might get more -Peat Moss -Blood Meal -Bone Meal -Guano -Myco -Azomite -Humic Acid -Perlite -Vermiculite -Dolomite Lime Is this mix...
  3. BlackPeter

    New England Outdoors 2012.... the EAST COAST lol When are yours going out?

    I'm starting my seeds now and putting them in their final homes around mid-may. I like em to have 5leaf sets before they go out. Definitely have to make sure they're acclimated to the sun though or else they can be shocked and such. I had one last year that didn't seem to grow for weeks after a...
  4. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    I used plant tone last year and it made it seem like a very good soil. Smelled like something that I would want to be in if I were a plant. I think ill be adding the same this year - along with mycorrhizae and azomite and all that stuff. What's usually in your soil mix?
  5. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    Most definitely. I'm putting up chicken wire and all that jazz. Fox urine and whatnot and egg shells and soap and hair. I'm mainly concerned with percentages and ratios of the soil mix itself.
  6. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    I second this. Would I have to add bone and blood meal and such in addition to all this? I don't want to add too much of anything and have it be too concentrated or anything. Ya know?
  7. BlackPeter

    What store bought soil you guys using outdoors this year?

    Hahah well at least you know now and dont walk into Home Depot with 10 bucks and check out 10 bags
  8. BlackPeter

    What store bought soil you guys using outdoors this year?

    I think you just get 1 dollar off each bag
  9. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    So,the free horse manure and the $5 bags of compost could potentially make up the majority of my mix? I plan on adding native soil and worm castings and such along with perlite and all the proper amendments. I'm just curious what a good ratio would be
  10. BlackPeter

    Are these Male, Female or Polinated Females

    If theres no males present they can't be pollinated. They're most certainly not males. Maybe that pheno has weird looking bud formations? Or maybe someone in your area let a male grow to maturity and pollen somehow made it to your plants.
  11. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    How does one tell if something is composted well?
  12. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    yes very much so thank you.
  13. BlackPeter

    Differences in Manures?

    So, there's this farm near my house that offers any amount of FREE composted horse manure. Obviously since it's free I'm biased toward getting it. However, another farm is offering composted cow manure cheap. Then there's another farm offering compost really cheap...
  14. BlackPeter

    BlackPeter's 2012 Redemption Grow

    So last year was painfully tremulous. Plants stolen on multiple occasions, stole them back, hurricane, bad partners.....I laughed, I cried, but, I learned more than I could ever have expected. This year will be a bit different. Whittled the crew down to a much smaller number, more GREAT spots...
  15. BlackPeter

    8 ft not flowering??

    You think? i'm kindof seeing some white hairs. Only time will tell but ill get more pictures
  16. BlackPeter

    8 ft not flowering??

    Well cause i think due to the hurricane and There was a big split in the middle of the stalk it was stressed into hermaphroditism, not genetically a hermaphrodite. So if i breed it with itself wont there be a fair amount of seeds produced. I mean this thing if over 9 feet. Does it look like a...
  17. BlackPeter

    8 ft not flowering??

  18. BlackPeter

    8 ft not flowering??

    well its my only plant and cant you pollinate a hermie with itself to make seeds?
  19. BlackPeter

    8 ft not flowering??

    Does this look hermie to you guys? It's all I got left and would be pleased if I could produce some seeds.
  20. BlackPeter

    I know someone knows...

    hahahaha ive gotta bookmark this for when im stoned. hahaha the visualization is so great. You dont wanna break your hand because youd never be able to wipe your ass, or whip it either! So any sort of bondage incorporating feces would be off the menu. hahahaha oh man