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  1. J

    Co2 ppm

    So I’ve just set up my Sealed room I’m about to flip to flower in next day or 2 I’ve set up the target ppm at 1100. I just want to ascertain how sealed my room is and how much the ppm should drop in relation to time. In other people’s experience how much does the ppm on their monitor drop per...
  2. J

    Co2 and positive pressure

    humidity here is too high for water cooling lol I’m using LEDs I have the drivers out the area which helps. literally can’t find them anywhere in the UK
  3. J

    Co2 and positive pressure

    Yea for like £450..out of my price range unfortunately, plus I rent so can’t have a unit fitted to n my building without causing suspicion
  4. J

    Co2 and positive pressure

    You got a link ? Can’t find anything
  5. J

    Co2 and positive pressure

    I’m in the transitioning phase going from vented to sealed room, now I have sealed most of the room already and I have the air con in place, the only thing is that the air con is single hose.. so because of that I’ve had to build it into the wall so that the intake is outside of the room and the...
  6. J


    Is there quite a difference between leaf temp then ? My room is at 28 degrees is there like a normal leaf temp for that temperature? Or is it strain dependent ?
  7. J


    So when trying to find out your VPD, how does it work? do you take the leaf temp with lights on or off? Do you use the room temperature with lights on or off? Is there like a typical/average VPD that’s best to work to?
  8. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    May have to do this, do you juts have the scrubber freestanding in there or do you hook an exhaust fan up ?
  9. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    I’m trying bud lol! Think guna juts stick with my ac I have now and see how the positive pressure plays out. If I can keep my ppm high and don’t burn through co2 too quick then il be happy
  10. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    And positive pressure is fine on the girls ? Do you exhaust your room at all ?
  11. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Yea probably not ideal I have a separate smaller unsealed grow room opposite my main sealed one so it will prob juts throw loads of heat in there shuck I don’t want lol
  12. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    I got the co2 monitor and controller on the way. So your single hose goes into your grow area ? Is it sealed ? And how’s the air pressure ?
  13. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    So maybe I could put it in the wall and have a small extraction fan on the ceiling above where the ac is and vent it into the attic? Do the window ones blow hot air out or does the back of the unit juts get hot?
  14. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    I could get a window one but how would it work putting it in my wall bro? Doesn’t it need to be on window to expel all the hot air outside?
  15. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Man they don’t sell window units here in the uk or dual ones ! Do you think I could get one shipped over and use and adapter or would they be too powerful for an adapter?
  16. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Thanks for your help bro really appreciate it, guna see if I can get one cheap if I can’t il juts try and wing it lol
  17. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    ah right I got it so the other hose is only to cool the machine down on the dual, so the same air is being cooled and recycled, where as mine will constantly be pulling air from outside and inflate the room? Man that sucks I thought I had it sussed lol. I have exhaust fan in there do you think I...
  18. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    Ah yea I get ya, but how would a dual hose be any different to that ? Or any other ac for that matter confusing lol! My ac is only rigged to come on when the temp gets too hot so it’s not on all the time which will help a bit I guess?
  19. J

    Co2 monitor sensor ppm reading

    But surely what I’ve done will work ? No co2 will be sucked into the ac as the inlet is out the grow area. With the dual ac it has two hoses, one hose sucking air in from out the grow area and one exhausting hot air to outside the grow area right? And then the outlet for the cool air to come out...