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  1. O

    here to help with any electrical problems

    I don't know where to better post it.I just bought a Staco 3PN1020 Variac Auto Transformer and after the fact find that that it is designed for 240 volts. I live on 120 volts and wish only to use it to control (less than 1 amp) fan speeds. Is there any chance it will work as is or is there any...
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    seeking super potant sativa

    Found the smoke hard on my throat and lungs, probably because of growing conditions. I decided to eat some in brownies and got so paranoid that I was ready to give this thing up forever. Finally gave most of it away. Though I think I prefer sativas, this experience forces me to question that...
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    Any electricians here?

    I just bought a Staco 3PN1020 Variac Auto Transformer and after the fact find that that it is designed for 240 volts. I live on 120 volts and wish only to use it to control (less than 1 amp) fan speeds. Is there any chance it will work as is or is there any way to rewire it? I'll appreciate...
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    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    It's salt burn and it's not OK, but it won't spread. Your pots are simultaneously too big and too small, too big to transplant from and too small to grow in. Flushing is the right idea but in your case I fear it will leave you waterlogged. Not a good thing at all. I'd let them dry out a bit...
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    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    I grow in soilless mix with much added perlite. a sort of hydro hybid I guess. I currently use GH flora series, with occasional fulvic acid, kelp extract, and bud blood. What I'm learning is that there is precious little information about growing this way. What I did to save my ass is buy a...
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    Questions About Genetics

    Some seed sellers are kind enough to explain that your sack of seeds will likely produce different phenotypes. Some may be tall and lanky, others short and bushy, some stinky and some not so. Their all true to their breed, it's just that the breed has not yet been stabilized through selection...
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    USPS and attitude need help

    Watched my order being 'held up' for days at ISC New York thinking that only the worst could be happening. I stopped watching and my parcel arrived in a couple of days. It's aggravating. In future, I'll tend to go with suppliers offering untracked, no customs label, type of shipping. Working...
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    R early Sativas really worth it?

    I'm certain you're right about the dosing problem. It was a first (in decades) attempt yet I presumed myself competent to self prescribe. Agree also on the eating of indica, not so good unless you wish to find yourself on the floor unable to get up, questioning that you may in fact not be all...
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    R early Sativas really worth it?

    My daytime has lately been Soma's diesel. It's ok but nothing special. I can smoke it without raiding the refrigerator. Last week, and only because I had a goodly amount, I made a butter extraction of 14g and put it in a batch of supermarket bought turtle bar mix. Ate one of six bars and I...
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    Greetings from the Northeast USA

    Hey there Spencer. I'm familiar with your region. It's nice to meet you. Would love to know how chocolope works out, a lot of weeks away. I'm similarly starting DNA's sharksbreath. Best of luck to us both.
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    fools jump up to get beat down

    Yup. On Soma's diesel. And I got the oily paper to prove it.
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    fools jump up to get beat down

    Hello rollitup world. New fool here saying hello. I have a hypothesis that I'd like to support with a theory and present to the forum for criticism. I'm not a scientist, I had to look the big words up. In spite of what we've come to accept, seeded weed is better to smoke than seedless weed...
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    How is the Silver Surfer vaporizer?

    Hey Cheech, I Hope it shows up today so I can read your review tomorrow.
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    How is the Silver Surfer vaporizer?

    And thank you. I appreciate the welcome.
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    How is the Silver Surfer vaporizer?

    I think when I get paranoid, even the crinkly sound from a volcano bag would be too much to bear.
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    How is the Silver Surfer vaporizer?

    I want one too. What appeals to me (other than it's looks) is that the heating element is angled downward so nothing can fall out of the wandy thing, to me an obviously superior design. I hope some actual users comment.