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  1. V

    purple haze?

    im a noob..its growing just specific spots of a crap load of pistils..but pistils arent showing up anywhere else..i did my research for the start to the beginning of flowering stage..i got lazy past that..i thought it would just all turn out well..which it totally is..but now im not informed on...
  2. V

    purple haze?

    i know theres lots and lots and lots of "brands" of marijuana out there...but im really leaves are turning slightly purple(sorry no pics) as are my stems..they've been in the flowering stage for about a month and are both female..i was wondering if they were purple haze or some...
  3. V

    ? about where to get HPS fixtures

    if you want one for free, most street lights, and most parking garages use HPS lights..only problem is being tall enough to get one :P i've been trying to figure that one out for months
  4. V

    This is a bong idea/question..not about growing..sorry

    ..thats a really fucking great idea man..thank you!..ill still try this out and see how it works..but nice..
  5. V

    This is a bong idea/question..not about growing..sorry

    lol..sooo so true..but how badass would that be!? seriously..if i can perfect this, ill put up blueprints and instructions and shit so the world can enjoy my awesomeness :D
  6. V

    This is a bong idea/question..not about growing..sorry

    ok..i just was wondering if this was a plausible idea before i even try it... I'm a very creative bong maker, I make bongs out of every bottle i can find, just because it's fun..Recently I took a small Gatorade bottle and created a small bong in about 2 minutes worked...amazingly, to...
  7. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    i read and did research for weeks..sorry im not good enough
  8. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    ill figure something out..thanks a bunch..i knew my first time was gunna suck ;P
  9. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    i threw away the box a long time ago :/ ill have to go back and read up on that..thanks for the info..i think its best if i add a light on each side..that should in a very broke position..i take whatever i find in my house and put it to good use..such as a broken xbox 360..made it into...
  10. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    my lights are only 15w..idk kelvin :/
  11. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    fluorescent inch from the top of the plant..he's in the flowering stage..
  12. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    what are CFL's?
  13. V

    my first grow..pretty good so far :)

    im a little more than a month in :) and it looks to be going great :) 15 inches..
  14. V

    yellowing leaves. overwatering?

    good to know..ill be much more careful
  15. V

    ok..crazy experimental ideas..may just be revolutionary

    you guys should go fuck yourselves
  16. V

    yellowing leaves. overwatering?

    well i just bought some weird MG that supposedly has like some 30% absorbtion rate or some says it helps incredibly with over and under that'll help in the future..hopefully..only time will tell..thanks for the info :)
  17. V

    yellowing leaves. overwatering?

    so this is just do to overwatering/burn because MG sucks balls?..and it'll heal fine as long as i dont overwater anymore?
  18. V

    yellowing leaves. overwatering?

    havent measured ph yet...i use boiled water :/ ..i let the water sit for a couple days, then i use it..miracle grow soil..
  19. V

    ok..crazy experimental ideas..may just be revolutionary

    you guys are going to be laughing harder when i pull this off
  20. V

    yellowing leaves. overwatering?

    its in 12/12 light(very early i know) i dont have a fan..lights are supposed to shine on the plant? otherwise they would shine on a mirror? i dont understand that part..i blow on it and give it co2 alot..well i blow on them like every 20 minutes as long as im home..and the c02 i think is going...