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  1. Fast dog

    Could this work !

    Could this 2x4x7 tent be split into 2 levels and could it work effectively.
  2. Fast dog

    Do these need water or are the overwatered?

    Let the pots dry rite out you probably havnt fed to much water but you've probably give it to often also expect your schedule to be pushed back 2 weeks.
  3. Fast dog

    eating 25,000mg THC

    Yeah it's pretty fucking stupid I don't know what's worse him actually wanting to do it or you suggesting it be filmed for everyone to see, your asking for trouble with that dosage.
  4. Fast dog

    Do these need water or are the overwatered?

    Look overwatered to me.
  5. Fast dog

    bloom nutes

    Plagron green sensation
  6. Fast dog

    Is this normal for cloning?

    Taking cuttings from the bottom half of the plant is better as it has more root hormones at the base of the plant. How did you take the clone with knife scissors razor, if it was a rough cut it can shock the plant and it will wilt like that it may survive it may not get a dome over it and keep...
  7. Fast dog

    WIN an exclusive Vault T Shirt and some truly AWESOME genetics!

    Who won i had an email but it was a subscription email no mention about winning a prize it was on Tuesday.
  8. Fast dog

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    My man you are very well informed and prepared, your set up is fire !!! You must of waxed plenty of dosh on this project its mind bending I don't think I've ever seen someone go about their first grow as good as you have are you sure you havnt done this before lol and your very lucky to have a...
  9. Fast dog

    What are the best soils to use?!

    Plagron light mix nuff said.
  10. Fast dog

    1 month into flowering

    About a pound I rekorn
  11. Fast dog

    Does anybody have instructions to GNS PH PEN

    Need to check instructions on how to calibrate this pen can't find anything online.
  12. Fast dog

    Led Zeppelin stars face copyright trial

    It just shows that all songs derive from another in some way shape or form.
  13. Fast dog

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    I'm upset because your upset my friend let's be upset together
  14. Fast dog

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Yeah he has unlimited internet and no friends, bit of a scary thought but each to their own.
  15. Fast dog

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Yeah I have a few black friends and as it so happens, so clearly you've ran out of things to type in on Google haha and just to put it out there "Buck is an incalculably backward sphincter and a maniacal dandruff-eating sub-literate simple minded mental midget." Just saying ha
  16. Fast dog

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Prolly doesn't get out of the house much by the looks of it.
  17. Fast dog

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Haha so your saying I have a thing against Jews my grandfather is a Jew so clearly you are just typing things in on Google to say I'm not insulting your intelligence don't get me wrong I just think you have bad luck when thinking.
  18. Fast dog

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Your just a wind up merchant I've seen you on a few threads just trolling shit what's your problem